SHS Alumni Directory 1966

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FACULTY | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

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Class of 1966
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Walt Abercrombie Hello Pam Freels Iwas suprized to see your name but verry glad. I am living in a small town called Plymouth tn Amador county. I wonder if you know whare Peeny Nichols may be? I'm in good health and happy. I still have an automotive shop with my father, I also have been in construction building and desining custom homes for the last 25 years. I could go on an on, but any way it was nice t5o see your name and know that opu ara doing well. Next time I play with the computer, I'll check this web site.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michael (Armour) Osburn Retired from USAF 1989 after 23 years, currently attending CSUSB, graduating 2005 Major Environmental Studies minor in Geography. Will either work for the US EPA or teach at Chaffey College. Currently living in Highland California (San Bernardino area)Have 4 grandchildren, 3 boys one girl. Looking forward to reunion. If anyone knows the where-a-bouts of Keith Carlin please e-mail me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mary (Ball) Shorba It is truly wonderful to have this way to be in touch. Please keep me in mind for any reunion plans. I live in Northern California in the small town of Willits, with, Jim, my husband of 33 years and our son, Sky, who turned 17 this summer. For almost 39 years Jim and I have had a pottery business called "Pye in the Skye Pottery" . which we make and market. More recently I have begun to assist families with home funerals and Jim has begun to paint with oils. Both our folks still live in the L.A. area, so trips to the south are easy. Again , I feel most appreciative to have this avenue of communication. in gratitude, Mary Ball Shorba

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Henry Bertram 12/06 UPDATE - My wife Beverly & I celebrated our 35th year together in September, 2006. Where do the years go? Fortunate to have good health, we've been very active running a construction company in San Diego for the past 20 years. Always good to hear from former classmates who remember me or my brother Harold (SHS '65) - drop me an email.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tom Boich it would be great to see every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tom

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Brenda (Bray) Di Gruccio Although I did not graduate from South, I still have many memories of my time there and at Walteria Elementary (my family moved to Huntington Beach in my Junior year). I am currently married to Bob, a real estate broker,and we live near Doheny Beach in Dana Point. My husband and I have four children and 5 grandchildren. I am a clinical social worker and work in Laguna Beach. I'm still a beach lover and like to hike and kayak for fun. If anyone remembers me,drop me a line.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Donna (Burk) Farrow After living in Calabasas, California until 1995, I moved to Dewey, Arizona. My son Brett (33 years old) is an Architect in San Diego and is the owner of his own business Building Urban and is engaged to Heidi who is a graphic artist. My son Robert(26 years old) lives in San Diego and is a Bartender and is single. I've been married to Bill since 1980. We have a small ranch with horses, dogs, cats, goats, and chickens. I obtained by Paralegal Certificate in 1996 in Moorpark, California. I now have my own pet care business "D's Pet Services" and small Paralegal/Professional Office Support Business. My website is A special hello to Celia Hawley and Sherri Gunther. So hope all of you are well.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bob Capon Right after graduation from South (Go Spartans!) my family moved to New York (Long Island) because my grandmother was sick. I have been here since, with the occassional side trip (like the one to Viet Nam in 1969.) I was married for 28 years and had lots of fun raising two great daughters (24 and 17 now.) I'm still "performing" just like my junior and senior years, but now as a teacher instead of a student/actor. I'm the Director of Training for a manufacturer of MRI scanners here on Long Island, and I still enjoy being on stage. If you remember me, or even if you don't but just want to say "hi", please contact me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Louis Chappelear Wow! Where did the time go? Almost forty years! Living in San Juan Capistrano with my wife of twenty years and own a healthcare education company, providing continuing education to paramedics, nurses and physicians. Still in touch with Bruce Woods, Mike Hines, Jack Crooks, Larry(Notrica)Winters and others. Would love to hear from the old TB gang...Lou

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Steve Cole After I left SHS I went to El Camino and then later on to Long Beach State to become an engineer. I've been in the Aircraft Cargo Systems manufacturing business ever since. What's interesting about this is that former classmates Don Hargrove and Craig Riesacker are in the same business, only at different companies. We get together once and awhile at industry functions. I currently live in Louisville, Kentucky and love it here. I'm a Regional Sales and Marketing Manager and work for a company in Hawthrone. If your ever in the area contact me at

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Diana Darby Since graduating, I went to college in Iowa, came back to California and graduated from CSULB. I then moved to Chicago; Madison, WI, and currently live in Louisville, KY. (yes, my husband and I own a race horse). We have two children born in 1987 and 1992 (we started late). I have not kept in contact with anyone, but would love to hear from some of you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mary (Davis) Katz After graduating from high school I moved to Arizona where I met my husband of 25 years. I have 2 boys one that is an engineer living in California and one son currently going to Univ of Nebraska Lincoln. I am presently living in Omaha Ne working for the Un of Ne Medical Center working in student financial aid. I would love to hear from any of my classmates.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Suzy de Turk hello there. am living in Bend, OR., ten years now. previously in Sun Valley Idaho for total of 28 years. still alpine skiing, still working as a hairstylist, still single (married briefly). no kids. two australian shepards and a black cat. still insist on having fun.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Charlene DeLong E-mail for information about winning 1966 annual pictures (in appropriate places) for Charlene DeLong as Queen and President of South High Class of 1966.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Suzy DeTurk god- we're all turning 60! lol

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Vicki Lynn Doty The email addreess here is %Bill Doty, Vicki's brother. Her younger brother, Dan Doty, graduated South High, Class of 1967. Sadly, Vicki contracted Neo-Endocrine Pancreatic Cancer in August, 2005 and died the last week of January, 2006 at Surprise, Arizona. She left two children, Timothy and Meghan, now in their twenties. I (Bill) will forward any messages from classmates to Dan.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Barbara Fawley Moved from Torrance in 1974 to the High Sierra's, met my husband and will be married 25 years this Sept. Going to go to the 65-66 reunion 8/26/2000.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lida (Fernandez) Faraudo

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Connie (Ford) Romero Hi, I am so glad to have stumbled upon this alumni directory. After graduating I attended San Jose State University and I currently live in Orange County CA. I have been a high school teacher for many years. Most recently at Sonora High School in the Fullerton Joint Union High School District. I teach science, and coordinate the programs for English Learners. I was married, but have been single for many years.I have three wonderful children, two daughters 29 and 20 and one son 27. I love to knit, read, and travel. I plan on retiring next year and spending a year traveling through Europe. I attended the 10 year reunion, but I havn't been notified of any others for the class of 1966. I would love to see and hear from you all.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Pam (Freels) Allgrove I have been married most of my adult life: Six years to Jerry Smith,(class of 65). We lived in Missouri,Germany and Lawndale.(His dad taught shop and drafting at SHS); 17+years to my children's father. We have two gorgeous sons (28 & 29). We lived in Redondo Beach, San Jose and 15 yrs in Bonny Doon (Santa Cruz Mtns). I was very active in my boys' school and sports, volunteering for almost everything, soccer coach, parents club pres etc. I've been a stay-at-home mom, a secretary, a school teacher, a real estate loan officer, a bookkeeper/admin/ gopher and officer in my husband's corporation, and finally, a grandmom. My two grandsons are 4 & 1. What a joy! I live in Scotts Valley (14 yrs). I love travel, sea shores, family and friends, conversations with interesting people, and dining out. I collect antique clocks, sea shells, coral, and anything nautical. Spine and other health challenges have eliminated my tennis and volleyball days. Love to hear from you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mary Anne (Gammon) Dinnel Well, hello everyone. I am living on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. Been here for almost 20 years. I married my South High sweetheart, Doug Dinnel, in 1968. We had three beautiful sons, Chad, Scott and Brian and now have 4 grandsons, Christopher,Tommy,Jackson and Kyle. Divorced in 1986. I have been a property and casualty insurance broker since 1988. Looking forward to retirement soon. I enjoy living here on the beach, however,much different than Ave H. Have visited Torrance several times but hardly recognize things as it has changed so. Would love to hear from you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Joan (Gerritsen) Merrick Don't see much activity on the directory from the last year from anyone.... However, just in case - close to retirement - 2 more years - unbelievable! Moved up and down in CA from Orange County to north of San Francisco and continued to Seattle, WA area and now after a 21- year marriage, back to my roots, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Must say it has been quite an experience but am still enjoying myself. Life is good and if nothing else, it is what you make of it!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Val Handel Hello Class of 1966.... Graduated,Drafted,Married, Remarried,Father,Harley owner... Survivor. Live in Oregon, Still have my hair & teeth....It's all good

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Carolyn (Harris) Fuson Hi All - I currently live in beautiful Rogue River, Oregon...married to a wonderful guy for the last 17 years......I have a son, 38 and a daughter 35 and 3 step daughters. In all we have 10 1/2 grandkids and will be gaining 4 more when my daugher remarries this year. I am semi- retired and enjoying my family and life in general. I have only stayed in touch with one person from our high school days.....send me an email if you would like.....tell me about yourself.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bob Hassett Lets see.... graduated, went to Viet Nam, toured the US playing music, moved to Hawaii in 1975. Still here, still playing music. Live is good!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Celia (Hawley) Witzl Hello from the beautiful northwest! I baled out of Redondo in 1978 and lived in Bend,Oregon for 6 yrs then moved to Olympia, WA in 84! 4 great kids from 1st marriage all grown and close by. 3 super grandkids (so far!) I stay "forever young" hiking and I own a fitness studio and have been a certified fitness coach/therapist for 15 yrs now...also own an internet franchise. Single 12 years then married my hiking buddy in 2002. Still play my 116 yr old Steinway and teach some. I miss my dad so much! Many of you had him for Band Choir/Orchestra. Cancer took him in 75 way too young! Mom's Tampa, Fl. with the rest of my family. I was the only one that went north...need the mountains I guess. Got to 9500 ft on Ranier 1st time...I'll summit next time! Studio website: I've heard from enough musician friends for a good jam...let's do it! Come to Seattle for a visit. Stay fit for life you guys! Love, Celia

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michael Jiles It's wonderful to see all the people I graduated with in 1966. Since 1966, I went to el camino and harbor college. I took a course at Automation institute ( now control data ). I have been involved in computers since 1969. I still live in Carson, California, with my wife, Sandy, and I have 3 wonderful full grown kids. My high school best friends were Steve Curtis and Val Handel. My brother, Bill Jiles, graduated with me. I go past South High, maybe once every 2 weeks. Remember the auto shop teacher, Mr. Drips, and the metal shop teacher, mr. peckum. I am involved with carson high school, and high school has really changed since 1966. No more shops, at all. Gym classes are coed. when they have fights, it is seen as gang violance. teachers are in danger of student reprizal ( sometimes in violance ). they have school police, cruising the campus, constantly. at the end of the day, if there is no sport activity going on, kids CANNOT remain on campus. CHANGING TIMES.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jerry Johnston Hi all, I left South early, got married, joined the Navy and saw the world. Still married (to the same wonderful lady), 2 daughters and one grandson. Presntly living in Long Beach, still surfing several days a week. Life is good! Aloha

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Joan (Kirka) Henning I now live in Carlsbad,Ca. and I would love to get in touch with my "twin" Alice Dennis. "Hi" to everyone on the Annual staff of 1966.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Roby LaPorte Hey, Wassup good ole' South High people, come visit me at and see what I'm up to these days, if'n you wanna. Be sure, if you do, to send me an email to say hello. Hope all are doing well.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Chuck Lindsly My best bud Ron Cocks was killed in a car crash about 10 years ago. Still never really got over that. Worked for Paramount Pictures since 78, recently started @ Fox part time,winding down. Bought a boat & dock in Oceanside & of all things Dave Cronk & Mike Deegan's boat are within 20 ft of me. See Mike Montgomery weekly...small world. best wishes to you all. CL

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ted Luster USMC '67-'71 Vietnam '70-'71 Married '71-'78 Anna Arensman (Tx), 1 son Jeremy Married '80-present to Pam Burkhalter (Tx) & have 3 sons (Brandon, Steven, Bill) & 8 grandchildren (5 boys/3 girls) Brothers: Bill (Leland) in Las Vegas, Robert (Bo) in Hesperia, & Richard in Marysville,Washington. I've worked for 17 years IT/DP as Programmer/Tech Installing PC's at Lemoore NAS, at this time. Currently in Fresno, via Tulsa, via Las Vegas, via Fresno, via Hawaii, via Dallas, via Los Angeles. Best wishes to all of you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kynn Mccafferty Hi friends.Well life has been a wild ride. A stint in the U.S.M.C.R.(which I hated)then Through McSweeney got into the stock exchange. This lasted for 30 years.I have lived all over the state. N. Ca. for 26. Then back down to leucadia.Now on Oahu ( N.Shore)where I think about what if?? Things aren't to bad,had $$, spent $$ and am still lookin!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bob McCausland Semi-Retired,Married for 33 years.Living in Solana Beach,Ca,Napili-Maui. Still visit Redondo Bch monthly with several investment properties to check on. Still looks almost the same!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sheryl McFarlane

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 James McPherson Hello everyone. After El Camino and CSULB I worked eleven years for Torrance Fire, then five more for county fire districts in Washington State. Quit the fire service and opened an independent insurance agency (Safeco). Sold that after ten years and went to work in computer hardware and software sales, tech support, and customer service. Took an M.A. from Northern Arizona University and now teach writing at Pima Community College, in Tucson. My wife, Sandy, and I just celebrated our thirtieth anniversary and my daughter, Valerie, is living in Corvalis, OR. I'm not retired - can't really see the point. Reading all your notes spark fond memories.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jack McSweeney Still living in the Hollywood Riviera, overlooking El Retiro Park. Married to Joan (Venice High)for almost 17 years. Real Estate is my source of funds and employment (Re/Max Palos Verdes). http:// is my website. Love to hear from anyone.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kathleen (Mennes) Rader Live in Northern California with husband David. David retired 5 years ago from the Torrance Fire Department( 34 years) so we retired to Beautiful Chico.We have two daughters Amber 25 , Megan 24, both the girls live here in Chico. Megan was married this past May 2005, so we now have a great son-in-law Jon Kressin. Still see Sue and Cathy Brown, Reta Hancock, Linda Feldman,Joan Chappetta, and hear from Bonnie Farmer once in a while. Went to the Class of 65 reunion last week-end. Great to see old friends. Good Reunion Class of 65!! Would love to hear from anyone that remembers me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 George Dennis Merritt hey class of 1966 that was the good years,happy days..well retire now after 36 yrs of driving a big rig,left Calif,move to Parker,AZ,right on the river,loving it,jet skiing,boating:}..still would like to hear from that lady from high school,she was my high school love (Janice).oh well,life goes on,take care.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Fred Molsby Looking for anyone who remembers Ed Kennedy, myself, etc. that can give me any phone numbers or some way of getting ahold of him. Fred

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ed Moss Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've been in Torrance. After graduating from UC Santa Barbara in 1970 it was off to the Army as an armor platoon leader for a few years. Then a year on the beach and then law school. My last year at law school involved an internship at the U.S. Supreme Court; then graduation and a federal clerkship in Denver, Colorado. I've been practicing law in Denver ever since. In November, 1999, got elected to a four year term on city council for Westminster, Colorado. A fairly recent picture is on the city website, Along the way I managed a 20+ year marriage, two great kids who are in college, and unfortunately, a divorce. I'm planning on making the August, 2000 reunion. Hope to see you there. email me at

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 John Newton what a great website! Saw many old names...I left in 65 and graduated in Huntington Beach...but South looks like it continuies to be a great high school. Where are the other cross country runners? Love to hear from some of you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Margaret (Peggy) O'Neill I can't believe I'm actually doing this after nearly 38 (agh...can you believe it 38 YEARS!!) but, I suppose curiosity has got ahold of my better senses....I live about an hour away from our great states capitol...I'm in graduate school at C.S.U.S. (i.e. Sacramento State University). I have one child. She is almost thirty. I work in an elementary school with a student who has an Aspergers diagnosis. Life is good (and sometimes not so good). I am not married...don't really know if thats even that important to me anymore. I am into kick boxing and enjoy challenging myself. I go by the nickname Maggie, (I prefer to be called Maggie) and I am planning on attending a 'reunion'. I would love to hear from anyone who wishes to contact me although I seriously question if we'd even remember each other (insert humor). My e-mail address is See Ya....Maggie

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ken Palke I'm living in Salem, Oregon, these days and still involved in journalism and music (though now its mostly helping my two high schoolers and middle schooler with their singing, etc.)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Christine (Pauling) Tilton Hi class. We're not getting old, but much better.."67 visited Fl. and said "I will will never come back!" What a lesson. Moved to Lakeland, shortly after and thento Pompano married, had a beautiful son. Been divorced, moved around a little, even enjoyed Alabama. I had to learn how to slow down and enjoy the roses. -I have been blessed no matter what I did go thru and am married to a wonderful man who keeps me young even though he's much older than me. I worked in banking, but started my own business, sold it and and now fixing up M.H.and I do most of the work. My goal is to get my pilots license someday. If anyone comes to SunNFun fly-in, Lakeland, Fl. in April let me know. Love to see you next year!!- Does any one know what happened to Nancy Weber. She married David Birmingham after graduation. This is a great website. Hope to hear from you!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Larry Radcliffe Settled in the San Francisco bay area, married in 1971, two kids, Nicole & Matthew, aged 25 & 21. Practicing dentistry in Pinole since 1977. Still surfing occasionally, usually in Santa Cruz with my daughter.


Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Deidre (Schrauben) Picascia Still in the South Bay. My mom still lives in our house on Danaha St. I've been divorced for many years. My daughter, Leslie (Simpkin) has blessed me with a beautiful granddaughter (Sara 8yrs.). I work for an attorney in Redondo Beach and will probably never leave this area. Family and memories keep me here.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Susan (Smith) Trautman Hi Everybody! I moved to the state of Washington shortly after graduation, attended WSU and became a teacher. I have taught grades 1 - 4 for 31 years and look forward to retiring in the not too distant future. I have been married for 35 years and have two wonderful sons. I am now located in Spokane where I teach third grade. I may have lived in WA for 41 years, but I will always consider myself a Californian and have many fond memories of South High, Thespians, French Club, Future Teachers of America, and of course the beach. Those were the good old days! I am sure we have the distinction of being the only class that held their Senior Prom on a navel ship docked at Long Beach.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Christy (Spangler) Lauricella I married a Secret Service Agent with the State Department in 1969; which took us on assignment to Wash., DC, India and New Zealand for approx. 2 years in each location. We had a wonderful life, 2 sons, but somehow in all of the adventure, I lost myself, therefore returned to the United States in the late 70's, divorced, bought my house in North Torrance, went to work for UCLA and raised the boys in beautiful CA. I re-married several years later, still staying in Torrance. In the midst of my new life, I had a stroke, which took me approx 1 year to recover from and kept me from previous reunions...(I still have residual weakness, but am aok now). I retired several years ago and am enjoying my hobbies of gardening, painting and loving every minute of being a grandmother. My boys are 30 and 33, and I have 3 beautiful grandchildren, ages 10, 2 and 6 weeks....the best part being they live within 30 minutes of Torrance. My husband just retired 2 years ago and we are finally enjoying our 'golden' years (lol). At this time, I'm planning on attending the 2005 reunion...hope to see all of you there.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Craig Steinberg Greetings. Have been living near the beach in Del Mar for 30 years. Two boys in the UC system and a wife who is smart and a great mom. Working in hospitals and doing a lot of Disaster relief work such as Katrina and Ike. Hope life has been kind to you all. Best Wishes

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tom Stewart Well hello class of '66. After graduation Dave Huntoon and I went off to the Air Force for four years. I married in '72 my dream girl from Long Beach Wilson High and continued college, finished with a teaching degree and taught school for six years then came back to Torrance to the family business. I live in the OC and travel up to Torrance for work. I have three children and have been married (to the same women) for almost 36 years. I have an old car bug in me and enjoy my '67 GTO for crusin' around Southern Cal (reminds me of my days at South). Look forward to going to the next reunion and seeing some of you folks! Give me a e-mail blast when you have a moment!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Douglas Urban

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Linda (Wigg) Fish I remain invisible and haunt the old haunts, living in Redondo Beach and teaching elementary school in. . . .Torrance! After a couple of decades habitation of Orange and Riverside counties, I have recently returned. Barely married for 32 years, with 2 grown kids and a grandson, I remain solitary.

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