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Class of 1967
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Nick Bednorz
2004-03-31 |  |
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Christine Ann (Booher) Richardson
| |
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Larry Broberg
Feel fortunate to have made it this far in life, a lot of our classmates didn't | |
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Marty Brown
Hey South High In Torrance 67ers! How the heck did 40 years go by in a wink of an eye? I've been in the SF bay area for the last 30 years and have four grown kids and five grand kids. South High is sooo lonnnnng ago, but it's great to see other people's posts here.
I'd love to find out what happened to Ray Tilley (best man in my wedding) and Pat Kelley - (best keyboardest I ever knew!) 2007-09-02 | |
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Joe Bustos
Hello !! Well it's been a long time now. 2 wks after graduation, I was in the U.S Air Force for 4 yrs and then the Los Angeles Police Dept for 30 yrs. I'm retired now with 4 grown children and 13 grandkids. I miss the beach but not the traffic. We had a good life at South back then. The 60s were great!!!
2009-05-25 | |
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Chuck Capel
It's been a long time. Anyone remember The Seven O'Clock News I remember it stopped class for a day. Anyone know who the 5th man was? | |
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Bruce Caukin
What do think of the world now that the Russians are no longer the bad boys. 2006-12-21 | |
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Tim Chang
From the class of 67 seven of us guys stay in touch and call ourselves the Corporation, ever since the light bulb sale at school. Besdes me there is Bruce Caukin, Gary Holzhausen, Rand Hein , Bob Cruikshank, Mark Abramson,and Tom Perry (who attended Newton Elementary but moved to South Carolina for high school) hope to see Flip in Honolulu in August 2001. | |
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Jim Cordes
Hi everyone, I live in Ithaca, New York and have been in the east since 1975. I'm a professor of astronomy at Cornell University, went to UCSB as an undegrad and got a PhD at UCSD. I moved east
"for a few years" but have been here for 33. I like it but miss the beach. My sister lives in Rancho PV so I do get back about once per year. I've had contact with Hugh Schone fairly often, Gary Holtzhausen a few times, and Marty Brown. Marty introduced me to my wife when I had a sabbatic leave at Berkeley 22 years ago. The year after I was at our 20th reunion. How time flies. I have fond memories of our South years, but miss those times. Obama reminds me a lot of Bobby Kennedy, so maybe we're cycling back to some meaningful, intelligent government (sorry for the political sidebar!). I travel world wide for astronomy and am the chair of the US contribution to an international project for building the next generation radio telescope. Retirement? No chance. 2008-10-23 | |
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Diana (Crandall) Rutherford
Hello Class of '67! I have been living in Kingwood, Texas since 1976. I am married (40 yrs in January) and have two grown daughters (37 and 35) and two beautiful grandchildren. It is so amazing that most of us are in our 60's! I would love to hear from classmates! 2009-08-17 | |
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Laurie (Cummings) Patton
Oh my gosh - where to begin? Didn't know this site existed until my sister told me today. Fun to read about everyone. Mark (class of 66) and I have been married 37 years. We have 2 children and 2 granddaughters. Life has been pretty good, for the most part. Mark has been retired (disability) since 1980, and I continue to work. We keep in touch with several SH grads, and we still talk about old times. We live in Spokane WA since 1977. Beautiful up here! 2006-07-02 | |
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Diane (Downing) Walter
Hey there...
Went to ECC and into Law Enforcement after SHS. Married in my early 30's and quit working when my husband retired in 87. What a kick. Just living the good life in Northern Arizona. Would love to hear from any of you who recognize the name. Never had kids of my own but have a wonderful step son and several grandkids. Life is good.
2008-10-23 |  |
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Dwane (Durant) Durant
A lot has happened in the last 42 years. BA in Psych. BA in Business and an MA in Counseling Psych. Worked for Pres. Nixon a short time. Worked with Bill and Hillary in the health ins. formative days. Also put on committees by Gov's Brown in CA, King in NM. Have six children oldest 37 and youngest 20. Living just outside Las Vegas, NM. Wrote a book about owrking with Native American Medicine Teachers called Spiritual Warrior under my name. Working on another book now and retire. Looking into starting another business developing solar, green homes and finding ways to pay for Elderly care via solar energy revenues. Blessings to all who read this and look forward to your future messages. 2009-05-21 | |
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Janis (Freeman) Peterson
Hi all....Married 36 years to the greatest guy, 2 sons and 3 grandchildren. I live right outside of Sacramento. We have been here 23 years. WOW, next June 40 years for all of us. Any reunion plans?? Jan 2006-08-21 | |
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Tom Gammon
Alive and well in Central Ohio. 2007-04-24 | |
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George Halliwell
For those who knew me from Cross Country & Track, and as the biggest screw up, greetings from Boise, Idaho.
After graduation I drugged around until I got it 1970. Believe it or not, I went on to earn a B.A in Religion, Masters in Pastoral Ministry and a Doctor of Ministry in Church Growth.
I am currently the Executive Director for Teen Challenge of Idaho. I work with deliquent teenagers.
Go figure! 2006-01-18 | |
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Susie (Hambro) Moir
Can't believe it's been over 40 years since South High. Still living in Torrance, married for 36 years. We have 2 grown sons (27 & 23). Both boys graduated from South High! Still visit Del Mar/Torrance Beach as often as I can. Nice to find this website.... 2009-02-12 | |
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Karen (Hartel) Miller
Hi to all who remember me. After globe trotting for several years after high school I settled in San Diego and finished college. I'm an accountant, married, two kids, 4 grandkids with 2 on the way and still feel young. I still go to Torrance once a month so send an email - I'd like to hear from some old friends. 2004-07-18 | |
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Roberta (Hedges) Woods
Hello everyone! I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me! I'm living in Manhattan Beach (very difficult to leave the So Bay area, even though I have). Also, if any one out there knows where to find an former classmate, Kimberly Ann Wells, please let me know, I cannot locate her. Yhanyou! & please write, someone!!! Love Robbie Hedges. 2003-03-17 | |
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Rand Hein
It's great to have this site available. I'm enjoying the beauty and quiet of the Pacific Northwest in Poulsbo, WA with my wife, two kids graduating from high school and three grandkids. '67 Rules! 2007-07-10 | |
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Sharon (Helland) Peterson
Would love to catch up with Janet Rollins and Russella Leedy. Hope all is well. 2005-11-24 | |
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Bill Herrera
KEEP THE OCEAN CLEAN. 2008-10-04 | |
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Dale Hewitt
Hi everyone, hope all is going as well for you as if has for me. I'm in the OC and still see and talk to some of the guys. Lots of us still around. Just move slower. 2006-04-24 | |
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Dale Hoag
Hi ya'll!!
You know, when we in high school, personal
computers were a long way off and summer school
typing class was the only class I ever dropped. Now I
live facing a screen, still hunting and pecking. Who'd
thunk it??
I've been pulling my oar as a chemist in medical
instrumentation and diagnostics lo these many years
and am living in San Jose, Ca.
To those of you who were patients of my Dad, he'd
thank you and your parents for 22 years of well
earned retirement - still going strong.
I'm getting better at getting older, but still not planning
on growing up. 2004-05-07 | |
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Brad Holmes
43 years! Unreal. Where did the time go? After
spending 30 years in the Pacific Northwest, my wife
and I now live in Lehi, Utah (of all places). I
have 3 wonderfull daughters and 7 grand kids who
live in Arizona, Oregon and Wasington State. I
visit SoCal usually once a year. I sure do miss the
beach and all my old friends!
Love to all, 2010-06-04 |  |
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Gary Reed Holzhausen
I'm alive and well, living in Prunedale, California (Monterey County). After graduating from South I attended UC Santa Cruz and then graduate school in earth sciences at Stanford, where I got an M.S. and Ph.D. (yeah, I know, piled higher and deeper). For the past 20 years I've operated a small geophysical instrumentation business in Santa Cruz. There's still a group of us who communicate regularly and meet whenever we can (see Tim Chang's message). South was great. I have fond memories of the 60's in south Torrance. Best wishes to all. | |
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Matt Hoplamazian
Hello everyone, I moved to Santa Rosa, in the Wine Country north of San Francisco in 1988. I miss the beaches in Southern Ca. I have been married twice and hav two beautiful daughters, one is married and has a wonerful 12 year old boy. Hope evryone is healthy, happy and enjoying life as I am. 2008-09-01 | |
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Shirley (Hughes) King
I've been trying to find the addresses for Lynn Caine and Linda Burton - anyone have them?
I live in Morgan Hill, CA (northern CA) on a 5 acre ranch and own 12 horses, most of which are rescue or rehab cases. My business is called Running Horses Ranch (.com) "We Get Your Horses Up and Running"
My husband is, of course, in the semiconductor industry, but we met and married when he was in the army.
We have 2 sons, Chad & Justin. Chad got married in Oct 2003 and we are hoping we will get our first grandchild in 2005. 2004-12-20 | |
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Jody A (Jays) Browning
Hi, I was married in 1969 and moved to New Jersey in 1973. I come back at least once a year to see family but have not seen any friends since the move. If anyone out there remembers me I would live to hear from you. Jody | |
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Tammy Kuchenbecker
I live in Manhattan Beach,CA - would love to hear from you!!! Glad to be alive!!!
2009-01-16 | |
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Marjorie (Jeri) (Lange) Dunn
Hi, SHS, My Dad owned the ice cream store next to the High School. My sister Judy was from the class of 1968. Sadly she pasted away in 1993 from Breast Cancer leaving behind a beauitful son and daughter.
I live in the high desert and have 2 sons, and 3 granchildren. Love being a Grandma. I am a retired Deputy Sheriff. Love watching this site grow, Jeri 2004-11-20 |  |
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Ruscella (Leedy) Casamento
2003-09-20 | |
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Linda (Loebel) Lott
Amazing to find this website - unfortunately I
don't have my high school yearbook to provide the
senior picture. My husband (Rick) and I are
celebrating our 33rd Anniversary this year and we
have lived in Santa Clarita for the last 20
years. Our son Chris (29) works at Mt. St. Mary
College (computer geek). I recently retired and
spend most of my time locally doing charity work
with occassional trips to Vegas with my friends &
family for fun. Those of you who remember my
brother Bob, just wanted to let you know he
passed away about 6 years ago. 2009-08-23 | |
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Doug Malone
Hi everyone! I'm an electronic engineer living in the foothills of the Cascades in Battle Ground, Washington. 2 kids in college - where did the time go?? I've lost track of most everyone from South and would like to hear from you. 2006-02-26 | |
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R. Bruce Matthews
Hello, When last I checked I am alive and well in Northern California near Chico. Yep, land locked I do miss the beach. There is a nice lake close by and Reno for the winter. Five kids have been and grown in my life, they are not too far away, that's a good thing. There is also 2 grandkids to make me smile, life is good, thank you Lord! Everything else is optional. Still a motorhead always tinkering on something I think it is my therapy. So how are you doing? Drop me a line. Norm Hill where are you? Man those were the days.... I love it.. 2007-09-30 | |
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R. Bruce Matthews, Sr.
This is great! What ever happen to you? Tag your it. | |
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Jim McGrath
I'm living in Berkeley, where I've been most of the time since 1967. I got married in 1973. We are still married, have two children and 2 grandchildren. I'm retired from a steady job, volunteer in an elementary school, and still windsurf nearly every day in the season. I've managed to find quite a few of my old friends, but I'm still looking for a few. 2008-12-15 | |
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Sally (Parmer) Atman
Hey Gang! How is everyone? I'm still in touch with several of the people I hung out with at South, but have lost touch with so many others. I just published a book about the sixties, which includes South High (of course). I'd love to hear from anyone who feels like writing. I don't have a graduation shot (I was in the hospital), but will try to post a photo from '67. Take care, everyone! 2009-04-27 | |
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Kathy (Peggs) Eimen
2007-06-27 | |
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John "Flip" Phillipis
It would be nice if there was a way that we could trace all South High friends that moved from South before finishing their Senior year. As for myself, I have traveled throughout the mainland and have resettled in Honolulu, Hawaii. Please feel free to contact me at ....... Aloha Flip | |
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Linda (Priest) Green
2003-10-30 | |
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Douglas C. Pritchard
I now live in a country setting about 30 miles east of Dallas TX. I left California in 87, moved to NJ, lived there for a couple of years. I then moved to Ohio and lived there for two years and then off to Dallas where the summer heat can take your breath away. I have 6 grown children with two sons in foreign countries. I have had a home office for 9 years and I work for Sagem Morpho. I am responsible for the Western US. Feel free to send me a message. 2008-10-23 | |
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Janet (Rollins) Schaefer
Hi to everyone 2004-03-26 | |
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Gerri Rossi
Hi all, Have one child no grandchilden as of yet. Still live in Torrance. Jody Jays remember me? Howdy Bruce! See you've been busy. Oh Roberta, Kim Wells lives in Belmont Shores thats what I heard last. E-mail anyone who would like to contact me. 2005-11-15 | |
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Hugh Schone
Hi to everyone. Am living in Garden Grove and own a Mural and Faux finishing business. Check out my website Was wondering if anyone has contact with Nancy Marstall class of 68? 2007-11-03 | |
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Marja Schulte
2004-07-06 | |
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Lucy (Steele) Hyde
Hi. I'm still married to my high school sweetheart. We have two children and 5(!) grandchildren. Living in northern CA. About to retire from teaching, changing directions, and beginning to wonder about old friends. Is anyone in contact with Sally Anthony? 2010-03-26 | |
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Vickie (Trotter) Peterson
Hi All,
Well it has been 40 yrs. ..can you believe it !!! I've retired from the Manhattan Beach Post Office delivering mail for 33 yrs. I've raised two handsome and incredible boys.. AJ Lester ...23yr. and Eddie Lester...20 yrs. old in El Segundo, Cal !! I've had 3 husbands and finally after 40 yrs.... decided that what I was looking for..(inner peace and self-love).....wasn't...outside-myself....took long enough !! I'm now enjoying retirement and looking forward to another reunion....are we having one ??? Love to All, Vickie 2007-06-24 | |
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Wendie (Wark) Galczik
Hello- Guess it's been too long; I don't remember anyone from the pictures shown as being friends, but that could just be me. I've been living in Canada (British Columbia, the California of this country) since 1972, and I'm due to retire from being a Vancouver City Worker next year. Was wondering if anyone knew what happened to Penny Pollack, or how to get hold of her. Or anyone who remembers me please E-mail me if you so desire. 2008-07-28 | |
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