SHS Alumni Directory 1972

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FACULTY | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

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Class of 1972
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Paul Bennett

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Deborah Bishop Update: Still live in Riverside, still miss the beach. My son, Chris (25), who is an SDSU alumni was married on 9/22/01 and lives in Corona. My son, Dylan (27), is still single and looking for that perfect mate, he lives in Huntington Beach. Me, single and loving it! Still keep in touch with fellow SHS alumni, Joanne Wright.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Colin Byers Greetings to all fellow alumni! 1972 rules! After graduating from South, my family moved to Buena Park Orange County CA where I graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a BA in Business. I got married in 1981 and moved to Fayetteville Arkansas! Jody Clukey? Alfred Jolley? Paul Smith? Anyone else? Write me!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Linda (Capps) Doty What a great website - too bad there's not more who have found it! Think there will be a 40-year reunion in a few years??? Wow! Does that make us old or what?! I live in Vancouver, WA, but make it back to good ole Torrance regularly to help out with my folks and would love to reconnect with old friends. Anyone know the whereabouts of the likes of Carol Lee or Kay Harrison???

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Gray Chang Now living in SF Bay Area, two young children. No longer doing "real" photography; recently sold enlarger and darkroom stuff after storing it for many years. Now using digital camera for family snapshots.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mary (Chaput) Chapeau After graduation I joined the US Air Force and worked in the field of Medical Illustration and Graphic Design. I travailed to all 50 states while in. After I got out I went back to school while working in the field of graphic animation. After Collage I landed a Job in San Diego as an Advertising and Marketing Director for a large chain store. I then went to work for a Christian Advertising agency as their Creative Director. While at this job I got to know some of our clients and went to work full time in the missionary field. I was the Editor and Designer of a Magazine and Newsletter as well as a Bible Smuggler - I have travailed to many third world countries including Cuba, China Albania and all of the Soviet blocked countries before the wall came down. I now own my own business in Sacramento California and work with politicians, designing campaign logos and brochures. I also work with many Associations. It has been an amazing ride the past 31 years. Although I never married, I have had a beautiful fulfilling life and the men I have loved remain wonderful friends. I would like to hear from some of my old friends - Bill , Collen, Erlean are you out their?

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jaci (Choate) Terheggen Hi Everyone! What an awesome web site! Great to see old friends!!! I've been married for 30 years to my best friend, Mike. We have 3 sons ages 27, 25 & 21 years old. I'm living In Mission Viejo, Calif. (Orange County) I've been a teacher for 30 years, and still love going to work every day! I stay young at heart by teaching 1st grade. Some of my best buddies are 6 years old!!! Can't wait for our 30 year reunion!!!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Vicki (Clegg) Tyler I left Torrance shortly after graduation and have never returned. I have been married to my husband Mike for 36 years. We have 5 children and 8 grandchildren. We lived in Okinawa Japan for 2 years, Las Vegas Nevada for 15 years and then moved to St. George Utah where we owned and operated our pharmacy.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Crystal (Condit) Fields I'm still in the area, Lomita. Still married to 1971 alumni (Ray Fields) we have 2 children both out of high school. I still have all the records of the last 2 reunions, if anyone wants to update their info and whoever wants to put on our 30yr reunion 2002, call me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rich Cowart i wish u all the's great 2 see you r still making it!we were a good bunch. in orange co.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 William Craig I can be reached at my email address. Please advise if you are a 1972 SHS grad.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Gerard Dacut I missed the 30 year reunion but if there is a 35th reunion I'd like to know. Living in Orange County for the past 20 years and working as Biomedical Engineer. My twin daughters are both living in San Diego where they went to college and graduated. Loving life with my wife Janice and the two cats.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jeanne (Ford) Carlson It must be that 30 year mark that led me to look up the South High Alumni web site. I now live in the San Francisco Bay Area, working as the Production Manager at Genzyme Diagnostics. I made it to the bay area following school (UCSD) and work in San Diego. My husband Bill and I have 7 year old twins, Willy and Sarah, who keep us old farts moving. I would love to hear from old friends and am interested in 30 year reunion information.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 John Gage It is great to see some familiar names. I now live in Vienna, Virginia (just outside Washington DC) with my wife of 21 years and two daughters (Jamie and Jennifer ages 14 and 16)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Dorothy Ellen Glover Hi everybody! Long time, no see, but I am sure we all look exactly the same! Especially me LOL. I am now living in Green Valley, AZ. Couldn't deal with the humidity and hurricanes in Florida. Came here to be closer to my family. Hope to see you all at the reunion! (There is one, isn't there? I never hear anything). Hope you all will drop me a line. I would love to hear from you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cynthia (Hall) Pitassi Miss Cali.......moved to Oregon. my husband Don passed away 5 years ago, kids are grown, have 1 grandson. Work for DHS/TSA at the local airport here. Would love to hear from everyone. Cindy :}

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ann Hamer I am an attorney, currently working in healthcare regulatory compliance

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Chuck Harris Happy to find this site and connect with old friends ! I'm alive and well in Jackson , Wyoming @ the foot of the Tetons and close to Yellowstone with a wonderful family, wife, and two daughters in College....(one @ Humboldt, and one in Bellingham, WA) If any of you are close to the Tetons or Yellowstone and want to reconnect, please call or email. I'm especially interested in connecting with my old buddy, Leslie if you have contact with Leslie, of if you're out there and want a Wyoming Rep for your winery, please write. Love to all, Chuck

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Norma Jean (Henderson) Sinclair Hello fellow Spartan's. This will be my 30 year reunion. Damm I'm old. Doesn't look like anyone from the class of '72 is interested in putting together a reunion. I'll be more than happy to jump on the Band Wagon. I've been told I throw a pretty mean party. How about a Luau? Anyone interested? Contact me at Let's have some fun,fun,fun till Daddy takes the T-Bird away.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kurt Hoyt Hi everyone. I have had a quite different life style since High School. I've tried to correct the slightly out of control existence that I maintained while attending South High and hope that I have grown up a little if you know what I mean. After high school I got into the avaition business, became a Flight Instructor and ended up becoming a Commercial Pilot flying the DC-8 as a Freight Pilot. I decided to go back to college and ended up getting a BS degree in Business with a Real Estate concentration. I then studied Real Estate, became a Real Estate Broker and started Selling and Investing. After college I got married and and had two twin girls and my life completely revolves around my family. I have been living in Palos Verdes for the past 20 years and I would love to hear from some of you if anyone has interest in touching base and sharing stories. It's great to have the opportunity to contact all of you and really hope to hear anyone interested. Best wishes, Kurt

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bill Huey I'll be darned, I do still have a memory after 34 years! Familiar faces too. I've been in the aviation business for the past 30 years in Colorado, Phoenix and now Washington. I have a wife of 26 years and two daughter, ages 26 and 24. We bought a 5 acre ranch in the foothills of the cascades and we're getting ready to retire and ride the Harley across the country! Hope all are in good health. Cheers!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Robert Johnson Hi Everyone. I am still living in the South Bay and have three sons (all SHS grad's) and married to Debbie Green (SHS 76). Debbie owns Mulberry Cottage in the Southwood Shopping Center and I am the VP and Controller for a retail property developer located in Los Angeles.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Alfred C. Jolley After leaving High School I spent 4 years in the Navy. I was stationed 2 years in Hawaii and the remainder in San Diego or overseas (Japan, Philippines,). After leaving the Navy I lived in California, Colorado, Washington and finally settled in Portland, Oregon. In Portland I married Barbara Betcone, a chiropractic student, and returned to school, full time, myself. In 1985 I received a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering. I currently work as an industrial/structural designer and CADD manager. My wife and I celebrated our 20th-wedding anniversary last December. She is a Chiropractic and Naturopathic Physician. We have 2 children, Shaun 15 and Jessica 18.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Alan Jones At South H.S. I was in the Math and Chess Clubs. I was terrible in Latin. My family lived on Vanderhill road on the hill west of the school where we heard the band play every morning. I went on to get degress in business and computer science. I work for Unisys corp in a computer R&D organization. I am married with 2 sons and a daughter. No grandkids yet. My hobby is genealogy, I teach free computerized genealogy classes. We live in Mission Viejo, California. I would love to hear from anyone in the class of '72.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jedeen (Lambert) Jarvis Steve ('72) and I have been married 32 years. We have 4 daughters, and at the moment 3 granddaughters, 1 grandson. We have lived in Laguna Niguel, CA (Orange County) since 1984. We are looking forward to our next chapter in life and to more traveling. (Our youngest daughter is still in school) Hope you all are doing well.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lori (Lambeth) Mayhugh What a long strange trip its been! After raising my son (Jeremy), I went back to school and got a Master's Degree (psychology), traveled around the world for nine months (Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, India, Russia, Europe) and am now living in the woods in eastern Oklahoma. I look forward to hearing from anyone who cares to drop a line.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Riki (Lebrecht) Kucheck After years in the computer industry, I went back to school and ended up with two masters (computer science and mathematics). I have been teaching at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa for almost 20 years. I have two children, a boy and a girl.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Carolyn (Martinez) Kiser I'm living in Vancouver Washington after selling my home and business in Las Vegas, Nv. I'm "semi-retired" but still enjoy designing flowers on a part time basis. I have 2 great kids (26 & 19) and I am Single and loving it! I still have many fond memories of South High School & I'm glad I stumbled upon this site.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Karen McFarren Karen, after beating almost all odds, lost her struggle with cancer in San Diego on 2/4/02. On that day many of us lost a very loving, caring, dear friend. We will all miss her great sense of humor and her huge warm heart.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Vicki (Meyers) Stanton After SHS, I spent 6 years earning a bachelors degree in biology at UCLA. Didn't help much though--I fell into a career in the medical field. These days I manage a busy clinic in El Segundo. My 2nd husband and I have been married for 15 years, and we have one wonderful daughter, Carol Lynn. I don't have much time for music these days, but I play whenever I can. I always loved animals and have a collection of lizards (hence the email address). I never expected all the porn mail tho. To Mary: I was Drill Team captain in our senior year--what a great time that was! I'm looking for anyone who has yearbooks--mine were destroyed in a flood.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Dean Moon I'm living in the foothills on the way to South Lake Tahoe in Shingle Springs CA. If anyone want's to say hi, send me an email.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Susan (Ogilby) Leslie I just found this web site. I love the idea of having a 40th year reunion, but it looks like we are all pretty scattered. I finally got married and had two boys,as of 2007 they are 12 and 15. I live in Cheshire Oregon and love it! (that's near Eugene)I sub. at our local schools and help my husband with Real Estate.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Steve Overby I married my high school sweat heart, Sue Mills ('74) after graduating from Loyola Marymount (76). We have been married now for 32 years. Have four children (3 married) and 3 grand kids. We live east of Portland Oregon where I have been the administrative pastor of a large church for the last 11 years. We worked with Campus Crusade for Christ for 21 years. Primarily in the Northwest. Lived in Bellingham, WA for 13 years. Sue works at a ski resort as a ski instructor and administrative. assistant.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Patty (Peek) Peek-Brady Hello all you OLd classmates.I am married to a great man and have a wonderful married 23 yr old son. Live in Laguna Hills,Cal.Been a Dispatcher for Verizon for too many yrs.Great to see some fimilar names and young faces. Hope to make the next 'class reunion'.Jedeen tell Steve 'Peek'said hey. Norma Henderson your still a beauty!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 John (Perotti) Presley A confession: I am really tired of living in the Bermuda Triangle with Marilyn and JFK, and I'm back... Working for an organization called Why Try? Check out the website at Tom Booker: You are still a punk...I own you...still got the 71 Pinto?

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Barbara (Perrone) Dawson Hey there! I missed the last two reunions - hope you all had fun. I am currently divorced with a 20 yr old son at U of A in Tucson and an 18 yr old daughter at SFSU. I live in beautiful Indian Wells, CA, I have a wonderful job and I am enjoying life!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Don Russell Just wanted to say hello. I hope everyone is doing good. I am still living in Torrance doing exactly what I was doing 30 years ago, and having a blast. Hope to see you all at the reunion.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Pete Schramm Well, its been 30 years since graduation. My my times flys when you are having fun. I am divorced with 2 sons. Oldest is 22 and the youngest is 18. Oldest still lives with me. I work for Continental Airlines and have been with them for 27 years now. I live in Lomita. Look forward to seeing some of you for the 30 year reunion. (if there is one)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mary Louise Scott Hi Everyone, I can't believe it has been 30 years since we graduated! I attended El Camino College for awhile. I finally decided on a major and made a big move. I lived in Arcata,CA for 4 years while I attended Humboldt State University and got a BS in Natural Resources Planning and Interpretation. I couldn't get a job in my major field so I worked in retail for awhile. I have had some health problems but am doing fine now. Currently, I live in Santa Ana in Orange County, CA. I am working for an insurance company as an office temp.I hope to be hired soon.I do volunteer work on the weekends at the nature center at Irvine Regional Park and the Orange County Natural History Museum.I really enjoy it! I am still single.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Steve Semos Still living in the South Bay and loving life

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Doug Sipel 34 years already! Unbelievable! Went in to the military after graduating. Afterwards moved to a place on the Strand in Hermosa. Have lived in Washington State since 1977. Miss surfing and the beach most of all. I have been working for Boeing Aicraft Co. for almost 25 years, the last 6 in Labor Relations. Life's great, unmarried, a daughter, Rachel, 22. Hope we have a 35th reunion!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Terry (Sochat) Schneier I found this website while registering my son as a freshman at Palos Verdes High School. Time does go by in leaps and bounds. I am an attorney representing elders and their families in litigation against nursing homes and a nonprofit manager and volunteer.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Melody (Stidd) Salisbury I was on Drill Team in 1971/72 and would love to hear from some of the girls that were on the team. I currently live in the Cincinnati area in Ohio and have 6 of my 9 children still living at home. I have finally seen the wisdom of getting a college education and am enrolled at the University of Cincinnati working on getting a degree in Human Resources.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sandy (Sultan) Mcinnish Hi everyone!thirty years later, wow! can you all believe that, im glad everyone seems to be doing fine, just found the site and glad i did, I've been married now for 33 year, have two daughters and three grandchildren, life is good, im living in lakewood,ca hope someone remembers me and shelley alexandra out there? talk to me!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Paula (Tai) Takamine It's great to hear how well everyone is doing. I'm looking forward to the 30 yr reunion this year. I have remarried, (7 years now), to Kurt and have two step-sons, Calvin 15 1/2 and Davis 14. Went back to school for my masters and am now working for good ol' TUSD as a school counselor. I'll be at Torrance High in the fall after being at Casimir Middle School for the past 2 1/2 years. This directory is a great idea, hope to see you soon.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jane (Trois) Zacharias I now live in Arizona....I have been in the Aviation business for many years. First as a commercial flight attendant ....but after 9-11 I left that side of the business and I am now a Corporate Flight Attendant.....I am married to a commercial it seems I shall never get away from the smell of Jet Fuel. I have no children but I do have four cats. Now that I have past the big 50 mark......I find myself wondering what some of my SHS friends....from the music department are

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Craig Vandeman Wow! It has been a long time. I now live in Gainsville, Tx. Have one daughter that still lives in Torrance. After being sick for many years and disabled I went back to school and got my BFA in Ceramics and in Metalsmithing/Jewelry. Now working on my Masters. Hope to hear from others in the Band.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Earl Young Living in Mankato Minnesota and working in California. Missed the last two reunions, hope to make the 40th. Send an e-mail to say hi.

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