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Class of 1973
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Gary R. Adams
Still active duty military. I did everything late. I am happily
married with a 4 1/2 year old daughter. I spent most of last year in the
persian Gulf. it is good to be home. I live in Murrieta and am stationed
in san Diego.
2008-02-29 |  |
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Craig Anderson
The '08 election is approaching and hopefully our country will
take a new direction. God knows that we could use some
rational leadership and someone who will present a vision
beyond next quarters dividends. As for my family, my son Jack
just graduated and will be attending Duke University. Wyatt will
be a Junior, a wrestler and pole vaulter. His high school
band will be marching in the Rose Parade! Maris ,8th Grade, is
involved in theater, gymnastics, soccer, and ballet. She keeps
dad busy shuttling from here to there. Megan (mom) has been
traveling for work and is very involved in various activities. I
am the president of my local CTA and keep busy with my kids
and sailing as much as I can get away. Aloha to all. 2008-07-27 | |
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Janet (Arnold) Mingus
I have lost contact with all of my classmates and would like to get in contact with friends again. I am married and I have 3 beautiful girls ranging from 16 to 23 years old. My husband and I own a business by the name of Triple M Enterprises. We live in the state of Washington. It would be great to hear from you. | |
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Scott Birk
Hi all! Glad to have found this site! Been married for 28 years to my wonderful wife, Julie. We have five kids from 27 down to 12. We've lived in Oregon since 1983. I have worked for Weyerhaeuser for 20 years as an accountant. Lots of water under the bridge since 1973! I have been well blessed. Drop me a line... I would be glad to hear from some old friends. 2006-03-19 | |
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Rich Bowman, Jr.
Yo Ho! Que Pasa! I'm startin' to feel jez a little old, folks...Don't we have a 30 Yr. reunion jez around the corner? 30 years??????? Living in Temecula, CA, 27 years married, 5 kids (14,16,18,21,23...hey, we had some cold nights already!...;)...and teaching: High School...ha! Who would've talkin' to ya! Rich | |
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Sandra (Briley) Welly
I graduated at mid term in 73 to plan a wedding. Been married to my Bishop Montgomery sweetheart since May 73. We moved with the Air Force for 23 years to Denver, Germany, California, and now Knob Noster, Missouri (home of the infamous B-2 bomber) where we have lived for 25 years. My husband has been retired from service since 93, but we stayed in Knob (population 2500) to raise three children. I graduated from Central Missouri State with a BS and MS in Special Education and have taught middle school special ed at Knob Noster Middle School for 13 years, after being a stay at home mom for 18 years. I recognize many names and faces from gym and business classes and of course, GiGi, from the hill. Miss southern cal, but home is where you decide to make it. Love to all. 2007-09-30 | |
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Barbara Brown
Hello Everyone! Wow... I just stumbled onto
this site. I didn't make it to the 30 year reunion
so this is cool! I came close to marriage a
couple of times but didn't make the leap. No
kids either. Graduated from CSULB with a
degree in Art. Worked many years as a
graphic designer and creative dept. manager.
Still wondering what I want to be when I grow
up... I'm almost 50 so better hurry up, huh??
:-) Currently living in Portland, Oregon after
several years in Scottsdale, Arizona. I really
miss the ocean and walking barefoot in the
sand. CIAO y'all! 2005-03-19 |  |
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Joanna Burgan
I have lost track of my classmates, but am interested in when the next reunion will take place and where. I live in Texas and work as a paramedic and teacher. No kids, but 2 cats. | |
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Evan Burkitt
I currently live in Costa Mesa, having inched slowly south along the 405 since graduation. I work as a programmer for small company in Yorba Linda that develops school database software. No wife or kids, just a couple of cats. It would be good to hear from anyone who remembers me; I must have had a few friends. |  |
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John Callahan
South gave me a great education and some wonderful friends. I went on to El Camino and Berkeley (astronomy and physics), and then spent nearly 20 years working in space and defense. Having saved and invested well, I retired early to run a nonprofit organization dealing with science and Christianity: Faith & Reason Ministries, |  |
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John Carton
Still in the local area after all these years. Married twice, 4 kids, from 22-6yrs in age. Teaching martial arts at a local karate school, and working at TRW/Northrop Grumman for the last 23 years. Looking forward to the reunion. 2003-03-18 | |
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Frank (Clark) Fritz
I have been living in Southeastern Arizona for the last 15 years. And have lost contact with all of my classmates. I am married with six children rangeing in ages from 12 to 26 and four grandchildren. | |
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Warren Cross
As probably the only counselor to get on this list, it is a pleasure to see what Carolyn has done to get this web site up and running. I did not graduate in '73 but was transferred to North High and then to West High. We still live in the same house where we moved to in 1960 and raised our 7 children. All of them graduated from South High. I have been retired for many years and love it! May the Lord bless each of you who are grads from this great high school!! 2006-03-17 | |
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Debbie (Dixon) Koch
I regretfully dropped out of school my senior year, (February 1973) but would like to be included in reunions if possible. Keep me in mind. 2009-03-02 | |
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Jeff Donnan
Greetings: it has been a long time since I have seen most of you. I have been back in LA since '88, residing in Northridge, married 24 years to my lovely wife Dawn, one son, Jake, who is currently in college. Keeping active, working for a healthcare compnay, umpiring high school and college baseball. Hope to get a chance to reconnect soon! 2009-08-19 | |
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Gregg Drevno
Our 30th reunion was a memorable experience.
South High was a wonderful time in my life and life
continues to be good to me. It would be nice to hear
from former classmates. All the best! 2005-03-12 | |
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Tina (Drikas) Cernansky
Wow, I can't believe it's been almost 30 years. I still live in the area with my husband of 14 years, Bill. We have girl, 13 and a boy 11. Kinda fun they will both go to South. I have been working at Hughes/Boeing for 22 years and hope to be there until I retire. I hope to see everyone at the 30 year reunion. | |
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Debbie (Driscoll) Wells
HEY, everyone!!! Living in Prescott, AZ. Married, been with same man for 31 years now. Egads, am I that old? No children but two precious maltese dogs that we just adore.
Love to hear from you!! Have a awesome life. Stay Happy and Healthy. 2005-09-04 |  |
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Anita (Fandey) Hudock
Hi to all my friends from South. I would really like to reconnect
with many of you! I got my degree in Music from UCLA and then sang
professionally and taught untill my husband\'s job took us to Ohio 10 years
ago.I am a widow of 8 months( my husband of 23 years died of a
heartattack)I have 2 sons 21 and 17 and 1 daughter 12.I still teach music
and will probably be teaching full time this fall.I am looking forward to
our 30 year reunion.
2003-06-16 | |
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Chris Gesner
Still living in Grants Pass, Oregon with my almost 17-year-old daughter (2007). Enjoying being a dad and working as a graphic artist when not setting up manufacturing overseas for small companies. Drop me a line. 2007-06-11 | |
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Virginia (Gigi) Gonzalez
Between this site, and getting reconnected with old friends has been easy. Be sure to mark your calendars for the annual picnic in Torrance First Saturday in August...for all South Alums (and family): contact Lauren Cotner at , as she was the contact person last year. 2005-06-11 | |
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R. Michael (Gros) Gros
After six years as Artistic Director at PCPA
Theaterfest, I left
California for the heartland and have been
teaching theatre at
Kansas State University. I begin a new position
in the fall (2010)
as an Associate Professor of Theatre at Santa
Barbara City College.
Back to the beach! 2010-05-16 | |
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Jeanne (Grosch) Moretti
Haven't visited this site in years! I Currently live in Orange, CA Married for 25 yrs. I have 2 sons. One is 22 and is a Pilot living in Arizona, the other is 20 and is still in college. My parents still live on Green Meadows across from South!
I haven't attended any of the reunions, always something going on at the same time.
If anyone remembers me, please email me! 2005-08-26 | |
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Gary Hackman
Anyone remember me, feel free to say hello! I still live in So Cal, dealing autos as always. (714)493-8373 or (800)305-AUTO. Glad to hear from you! 2007-01-12 | |
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John "Geoff" Hagins Sr.
Still alive and well.I live in Missouri.Started
working in Corrections at a Super Maximum Security
Adult Mens Correctional Center (prison)in 1997 and
still at it today.I have five kids and two step
kids.Three step grandkids.Done many things in my
life and feel quite fortunate.Sure have good
memories of my south high days and the people I
went to school with!!! 2010-06-08 | |
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Mary (Hart) Maggay
Updating my information in July, 2008. I am a 4th grade teacher in Laguna Niguel, with a Master of Arts in Teaching and a specialization in Reading. Currently, I am battling multiple myeloma, cancer of the bone marrow, using chemotherapy. Chris and I are very happily married after 19 years. Brian, 31, engaged to be married and in Iraq. Corrie, 28, single, a forensic scientist. Meghan, 16, a junior in high school. All happily believers in Jesus Christ. 2008-07-02 | |
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Eric Hillendahl
Hi, I'm married for 25+ years and have two children. We live in Sonoma County, wine country California. I work for SBC (31 years this year) in IT. We went to the 20 year reunion, but missed the 30. I hope to go to the next one. We love camping, traveling, and watching the Dodgers (yep, still a fan after all these years). Got into genealogy this year, and traced my mom’s family back to the Mayflower. Lots of fun (genealogy). Would love to hear from old friends/classmates.
2007-01-18 |  |
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Randy Hollis
Living in Torrance, married 21years, with two kids, boys, one in College and the other at Loyola High School. Hope to hear from some of you old friends. | |
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Ann Marie Hombordy
I gave up computer programming and am attending Georgia State University to get Masters in Education. I am currently working as an art and Spanish teacher. | |
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Alysson (Horne) Thompson
Hello everyone! Currently I live in the state of Washington with my three beautiful children. I am so looking forward to the 30th reunion. | |
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Kim (Jarvis) Nelson
I'm finally back in California after living in Wisconsin for twenty years, and I am enjoying the 'lake life' here in Westlake Village. I'm an interior designer for Sotheby's, and spend my free time visiting with Ali, my 34 year old daughter and her husband in Seattle. I would love to hear what every one has been up to over the past 35 years! 2009-12-09 | |
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Mary (Jouett) Bonham
My daughter, who graduated SHS 1998, just told me about this
site. How cool! After graduation I joined the LDS church, got
married (30 years now), and became a sign language interpreter.
We have 3 miracle daughters and 3 beautiful grandsons. Loving
2007-02-13 | |
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Kent Kamada
Went undergrad at UCLA then Pharmacy School at USC. Go Bruins! Live and work in Fountain Valley. Married since 1981 with 3 kids oldest (boy) is 20 at UCSD, next 16 (boy), youngest 12 (girl). Enjoying life, love the Lord. 2005-11-30 | |
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Tom Kirkpatrick
I have completely lost contact with everyone I went to high School with. but since I think I may have know 3 or 4 people you may not even know who i am. But, anyway retired from the Army in 1999 after 22 years, now work as a Plumber in southwest oklahoma, and its horrible out here in this God forsaken land. Ive been married for 20 years , have 2 boys 17 and 11, and when they are on their own i will finally be able to live somewhere that resembles America.dont mean to offend anyone from Oklahoma, but i have no clue how I ended up out here..Seriously life is good, and if anyone remembers me feel free to contact. I still cant believe im pushing 50....but so r you.. | |
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Linda (Koop) Schwartz
Wow dont remember most of you, only a few Must be
getting old. 2010-06-26 | |
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Georgia (La Porte) Winner
Well, 30 year reunion time is the nostalgia begins. I am married to fellow 1973 alum, John Winner. We have lived in Sacramento since 1981. John is a State Farm Ins. Agent. I am a Certified Ophthalmic Technician, pursuing my love of all things scientific. We have a 15 year old daughter, Jennifer who is a sophomore at St. Francis H.S. here in Sacramento. We are looking forward to renewing some old friendships. Has it really been 30 years? I am going to pass this website address on to others..Thanks.. | |
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Mary Ann LaFleur
I am alive and well — hiding out in Los Angeles...and I can't believe that 30 years is fast approaching. I am still single and looking. My knight in shining armor never seemed to find me. I have been thinking of everyone and seems like only yesterday that I was sitting out on the grass after a mealy Spartan burger lunch waiting for my crush, Tom Jicha to stumble by, red-eyed and smilin. Those were the days. I am currently Creative Director for a medical advertising agency and I bet that I can still do my flag twirling routine by heart. Hope to run into an old face soon. | |
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Teri Lawlor
Married and living in Oregon by Portland. Have two boys 16 and 13 years old. Loving the life and where I'm at. It's like where I grew up, suburbia USA. Write if you get a chance. 2007-10-01 | |
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Melissa (Leonard) Aylstock
I graduated from El Camino like many others. I married Roger in 1976. He is a terrific person from Dayton, Ohio. Janet Olsen and I picked him up one night at the "Pie Shop" (next to the Plush Horse). Actually Janet dated him first, then she joined the Air Force...the rest is history. We have four children (23, 21, 18 and 16). In 1989 I founded a non-profit support organization for individuals with sex-chromosome variations after one of our children was diagnosed with 47,XXY. I lived in Torrance for 35 years and then we moved north to the Sacramento, CA area for a bit more breathing room. As I write, horses are clopping down the street and the only honking we hear are the geese overhead. | |
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Greg Matheson
Been happily married to Elena (Endemano) c/o '74, for over 20 years. Still living in Torrance where our two older kids just graduated from South! Mindy in 2000 and Cody in 2002. We have a son,Dylan, in kindergarten at Seaside Elem. too. 2003-03-10 | |
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Gary Miller
Hello all! I'm married, father of two beautiful girls, and enjoying life in Northern Nevada. Email me and we can get in touch. 2007-07-14 | |
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robert montgomery
Hello everyone! Its Bob
Montgomery. I live in Prescott Valley, Arizona.
I'm happily married to my wife Debbie Montgomery.
We have been married for 20 years. I have one
child, Melissa, age 15. Currently working for ACE
Hardware as a material handler, working 11 years.
If anyone remembers me from high school, email me
at I would love to hear from
Tom Kirkpatrick, Bob Adams, and Joe Ryan. 2010-07-16 | |
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Paul Noble
I have been out of touch with everyone for so long, I moved to Montana in "73" and never left. I spent years in advertising but needed a change and now own a lawn care business. During the winter I head to Mexico for my ocean fix and become a beach volleyball bum. I am single and have 2 daughters 17 and 19 with the oldest playing college softball in Washington. I am the director of our ASA girls softball and also coach a team so I keep pretty busy. It would good to here from some of you guys. 2006-01-10 |  |
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Kieran "Kerry" Nolan
After I left South,I attended El Camino, Harbor,and Cal State Dominguez before my psychology BS at Camarillo State. After turning down a job coaching women's Pro wrestling I decided to give show biz a shot. My circus life ended with an unfortunate incident with a goat. In 1989 I moved to Oregon to become a tree-hugging loony. I currently reside in Happy Valley with 3 children and a boxer named Lulu. 2008-01-27 |  |
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Peter Pakalen
Updated in 10/2006. I was enrolled at Parkway Elementary in 1965 and from there continued on to SHS. After graduation I worked in the automotive sector in the South Bay area for many years until I moved abroad in 1985.
Currently a single father of four, two of my children reside with me. I'm doing well, I'm healthy and quite content. Wishing I were in LA though. It's a great place to be. While there, one just does not necessarily appreciate the circumstances, but when you're away you really miss it. I miss LA and would prefer to live there, but due to my current situation, 'weighing anchor' would be very complicated to say the very least.
I want to thank all my kind alumnists who have kept in touch with me, sent pictures etc. I wish You all well.
2006-10-03 |  |
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Margo (Radin) Quarles
For anyone who didn't hear at the 30-year reunion,
Margo passed away in 2001 after a 10 year fight
with a rare disease. Margo really loved South, and
since both of us were grads, and now our daughter
(in 2004), it is great to stay in touch with our
Spartan friends. All the best to everyone...
Floyd "Buz" Quarles SHS class of 70. 2009-03-09 | |
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Pam Rector
WOW! Can we really be 36 years older than we
were on graduation day! I'm doing well. Happily
living in Westchester with my 10 year old
daughter. She's a delight! My work is at LMU as
the Director of the Center for Service in Action We encourage students to get
involved in the local and global community. Would
love to catch up with former classmates!
2009-08-19 | |
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Robert Rhodes
I am sitting at my computer the day before our 30 year reunion feeling a little blue that I'm unable to attend. I think this is the first one I've missed. I still live in suburban Philadelphia with Terri,(my wife of 15 years), and our three children Alex(10), Emily(7) and Will(3). We're getting ready to drive to Myrtle Beach this weekend for our vacation but I would much rather see all of you. I hope the last 30 years have been kind to you all. Have a wonderful reunion and remember me fondly as I do all of you. 2003-08-01 | |
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L. Gail (Schaeffer) Beeksma
I would love to hear from some of the trouble makers from Seaside! My family moved to Alabama in 1972. I now live in Wisconsin. I have a brother Danny & a sister Sandy. Also a brother Pat & a sister Dee who have passed. Anyone who remembers us, PLEASE write. I didn't graduate from South. I wasn't going to let schooling interfere with my education! Live & Learn! | |
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Nicky (Schirm) Suard
30 happy years have gone by. I sometimes think about how some of you are doing and WHAT you are doing. I'm living in Napa, still married to Tom ("no you don't know me" on his name card at several of the past South High reunions) and have two great teen boys. I'm an attorney, but spend more time being a mom and running a resort called Snug Harbor. Tom's a Family Physician in Napa. God's been good to us! 2003-02-16 | |
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Patsy/Patricia (Schleicher) Benge
Hi everyone, What a fun way to renew old friendships!! I'm married, have two daughters and am living in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Would love to hear from long lost friends. | |
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Sherry Simmons
Sherry Simmons died on April 3, 2009 2009-05-02 |  |
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Janet (Slotsve) Scherling
2003-08-01 | |
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Scott Susoeff
Hello, I'm still in the area, (after all these years!) living in South Torrance. I have a son that's 25 who lives in the area and a step son and daughter that live with my wife and I. I work at JPL in Pasadena and my wife and I own a florist is South Torrance. As in High School I still spend my weekends enjoying the ocean, mostly scuba diving. would love to hear from old friends! 2008-04-29 | |
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Larry Swanson
Hello everybody. My wife Chris and I live in Laguna Hills, CA. We have three children, Amanda (1986), Elise (1987), and Nick (1992). Life is good. 2006-01-08 | |
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Charles Tarwater
Hi, don't suppose any of you remember me, I dropped out and joined the army during my senior year at SHS. I ended up in the great state of Pennsylvania, returned to school and graduated with an A.S. in Occupational Therapy and am currently on my way to a B.S. I live an hour north east of Pittsburgh, married and have a son, Trevor, 7 y.o.. Would love to hear from anyone who was around... 2006-11-22 | |
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Steve Usdansky
Seems like it's been forever. Gainfully unemployed and residing in southern Minnesota after spending 10 years on the faculty of the University of Maryland teaching college courses to Uncle Sam's finest in Korea, Japan, and Australia. |  |
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Debbie (Walls) Succcow
Finally found you all! I will try to find a picture to add to this. I live in Wash.State with my 2 daughters. I followed my love of animals and became a Vet. Asst. Has anyone heard from Cindy Bryant? Please help me find her. 2004-10-10 | |
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Brian Washkow
Hi all, made my way to Monterey, CA where I am the Chief Building Official for the County. Received my Masters from University of San Francisco. 2005-03-04 | |
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Mertz "Barbara" (Wilson) Maher
I graduated with a BS in Biology from Long Beach state then worked 8 years for Continental Airlines as a flight attendant. (Yes, I can see there is no connection between the two!) I've been married for 15 1/2 years to a wonderful man, John Maher, and we have a daughter 13 and a son 14. John is an ophthalmologist here is Torrance and I am his practice manager - this translates to head paper pusher. We built a home on the property on Newton Street where I grew up and I feel fortunate my kids can live here in Walteria, enjoying the great weather and the beach. Looking forward to the 35th reunion - hey, who's planning that one? |  |
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Sherie (Wooldridge) Matheny
Hello to all--it's been a long time since I've seen any of my fellow classmates. Life keeps us all so busy. After El Camino College, we moved to Atascadero and I attended Cuesta College and then Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I graduated in 1980 and loved my time in SLO. I later married my love from Cal Poly and moved further north. Presently, my husband (Rob Matheny) and I live near Sacramento and own and operate a vegetable transplant business. I unfortunately have missed every reunion (never received info), but hope that will change. 2005-04-13 | |
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