SHS Alumni Directory 1979

Choose the graduation year below. Click on the alumni's name to send eMail.
Click HERE to be added to the directory. or go to the index by year or by name

FACULTY | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

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Class of 1979
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Donna Abramson Hey Spartans, nice site. I left South in my freshman year and transferred to Beverly Hills High, but my heart was always with South High. Went to Walteria Elem, and remember people like Lei Kalima, Jackie Scott and Kim Healy.. if any of you still know these people and/or remember me, please drop me an e-mail at Be cool to catch up. I am living in Santa Monica,CA now. Hope to hear from you soon. :)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jane (Aegerter) Marshall

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 William Aldapa Hey, if anybody remembers me, drop me an e-mail Thanks

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michelle (Allen) Henry I grew up in Torrance and attended elementary, middle school (Newton Middle School) and South High through my Sophmore year. I had to move away with my parents to Northern CA for my Junior year, then to Washington State for my Senior year, but came back to South for Class of 79 graduation ceremony to see all my old friends graduate. I'm still living in Western Washington, and working for The Boeing Company (22+ years). I have two daughters, 18 and 21. It's been interesting watching them grow up and become adults themselves! I would love to come down for the 30th reunion if I'm able and catch up with everyone!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sharon (Allen) Kelly Hi everyone! I was only @ South High for my junior/senior year but enjoyed it while I was there. I'm married with 4 beautiful children, 25, 21, 15 & 14. I live in Arizona for the last 15 years. My oldest son is a U.S. Marine, stationed in Okinawa Japan but due to go to Afghanistan soon. Hope to talk to someone I used to know soon!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lisa Alvarez Hey. As some of you know, I live and work in Orange County where I am a mild-mannered professor of English at a community college. One long-time relationship (20+ years) and one child - a boy born 4 years ago. I still write --but not the bad poetry you may remember

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Chris Amberg Hello fellow Spartans. EMail address is still the same. Just adding my name to this board. Take care. Chris

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sheryl (Anderson) Baldwin when is our next reunion?

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Misty (Baer) Bauers Married 13 years to great New Jersey boy. 10-1/2 year old son who cannot play enough baseball - guess he takes after his uncles. Live in Huntington Beach. Loved to hear from Eileen McEvilly. Hope she is well and happy.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tracy Brown Hello everyone, I'm doing well; happy, healthy and living in Hungary, how about you?

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cristi (Cairns) Rivero Greetings from CO, married in 1984, moved to CO in 1993, son was born in 2000 ... had a wonderful career in computers and am now a full time Mommy ... life has been really good to me. Hope it has to you too !!!!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sandie (Casanas) Miller I'am married to a wonderful man.I've been in Indiana for the past 8 years.I live in the country on 80 acers and love it. wasnt able to have children. I also am looking for Patti Orbeck and Becky Hatch. Give me an e-mail.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Greg Charles Hey Everybody! It's great to see so many names I remember. I was captain of the Track Team at South (not that too many people ever came to our meets), but I still compete in open and masters competitions across the country. I also coach the Pole Vault at the Universtity of California, Irvine. I have a wonderful wife (for 20 years now) and a terrific set of triplets that are 13 years old, so we will be experiencing high school all over again very soon. I'm fairly lame at responding to email, but will do my best to reply to anyone from South!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cindy (Charles) Palm Hello all. Living in Manhattan Beach, married 21 years - two sons, one in college one at Costa. Hope we will have a 30 year reunion soon! Saw Andrew Littlefair at a CNB summit meeting last week! He didn't recognize me!! He looks exactly the same.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Laureen Chipps Hi, Would love to hear from old friends, feel free to e-mail me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Garrick Choy Hello Spartans,Hope all is well with eveyone. I'm still living in the South bay. Married to Shelly from Aviation HS great Wife ,Mother,and Friend we are also blessed with(2)great kids, Danielle 19 and Garrick aka buddy 16. I'm still working at Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems. Hope to see everyone at the 30th reunion. God bless

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Brian Cochran Wow! What a great web site! I should have expected South Alumni to produce such a great site! I wanted to salute Dr. Rische, a real mentor, and all the people I worked with on the Sword and Shield. I am married for 10 years with 5 great kids and currently live in a suburb of Dallas. My best friends are still Bill Whittaker SHS(79)and Joe Brown WHS(80) (but 1st two years at South).

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Harry Collins been thinking of how easy it was back then been working as a honda tech since 84 living in north santa barbra since 96 four kids 24 17 16 11 oldest in japan in navy jag program

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lela (Cooper) Stone Hello, I did not graduate from SHS because I moved away from Torrance at the age of 14 in 1974. I lived on Anza Ave. My brother and sister graduated in 1965 and 1970 from SHS. I went to Arnold Elementary and Callie Mayor Middle School. If anyone remembers me from these two schools I would love to here from you. I have lived in Jonesboro, Arkansas since 1974. Thanks

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Nina Craft Loved seeing you all at the 30th reunion. I'm in South Redondo Beach (I walked to the reunion!) I'm looking to network with people who would like to help empower women. I'm on Facebook. see ya soon!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Steve Crane An update to my last entry (finally!) Still happily married (7 years) but I have another child to add to my update. My boy is 5 years old now, and he now has a 2-year-old sister! (Yes, been awhile since I've updated this entry.) My oldest 17-year-old daughter is still living outside Phoenix and is getting ready to gear up for college. CHA-CHING!! Anyway, I'm still here in the South Bay, working up on "the hill", and watching my old high schoool stomping grounds change and grow up before my eyes. Keep in touch everyone. Life is good but short and getting shorter.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 John Cueto Hello Spartans,Hope all is well and let the spirit live on!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michael Cyr Hi everyone. Glad there is a site for posting alumni information. I've enjoyed reading about so many of you and amazed that I still remember after lo these many years. I was involved in Concert Choir, Drama, musicals and not a whole lot else. I certainly remember Mrs. Byers (choir) and Mr. Osburg (drama -and in my case driver training) very well. I went to CSU Dominguez Hills graduating in 1984 with a BS majoring in Business and minoring in Computer Science. I have a wonderful wife, Angie and we have been married since 1987. We have two boys, Sean who was born in 1990, and another son born ten years later in 2000 named Will. Been working in the Information Technology arena for over 20 years and am now working as a Business Systems Analyst. We live in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA in the County of Orange. If you remember me I'd love to hear from you. Life's been good to me and I hope to you as well.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Maureen (Dailey) Argon Hi everyone, what a fun site. I left South in 1978 and moved to Huntington Beach, I married in 1988 and stayed in Huntington Beach till 2003. I now live in Minden, Nevada a town near Lake Tahoe, with my husband of 20 years and our 3 children. We are both Real Estate Agents at our own Brokerage. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me I sure saw a lot of names I recognized.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Nanette Davis I'm still in SoCal and have an almost 13-year-old daughter. If anyone hears from Karen Dennis, I would love to get in touch with her.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 David Detwiler I just stumbled onto this website by googling my name, and it's fun to read about everyone. My kids are here (at the computer) with me and they are dying for me to tell you about them. So, Elizabeth, who is now 9, and Jonathan, who is 6, both say hello. They are definately cute (taking after their mother, my wife of the past 14 years, Kim - a fellow-USC grad). We have lived in Harleysville, PA since Dec. 2000, where I am a teaching pastor at BranchCreek Community Church, and an adjunct professor at Biblical Theological Seminary. Wonder if anyone else reads these updates?!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Reuben Dunn I'm married to Irma and have three children- Joseph (19) and Catherine (14) and Lucas (13) and have, up until March 2008, lived in the United Kingdom, Coventry to be exact, since April 1989. It's been great but life without baseball sometimes doesn't seem like living. I'm now in Sunny Whittier! I remember Mr Osberg in Drama, Mrs Byers in "Southland Singers", and a host of other inmates and caretakers at the asylum! I keep myself busy with family, and bending spoons, and mind reading. will fill you in. Hope to see you all at the 30th!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Greg Ebert Hello from, uhh, Sacramento ? Land of the 'semi-civilized' as Laker's coach Phil Jackson honors us. So much happened in my last year in LA (1990) - traveled the world, got married, had our first of 2 kids, became politcally correct, made a small bundle in real estate, lost it all in real estate, took a pay cut so I could escape the perfect LA weather for being snowed-in or worry about forest fires. Things are starting to settle as I count-down (yes, I am counting and it's 13.25 to go) the years to retirement. I've been with the same employer (Intel) for over 4 years now, a record for me. It was only yesterday I snickered at how old mom was when she had her 25th reunion.....

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rick Ecklund Spartans still rock!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michele (Eldredge) Blackburn

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Elizabeth Ellis

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sandy (Ensom) DuPape Sure hope that we all make the next reunion in 09'I know I really want to see all of my classmates. As for now,still in California 2 kids, Erin 22 and Chad 19. Life sure has been a journey and having family sure adds to it. Hope to make the 50 yr SHS Anniversary on Saturday March 29,2008. So,for now that's it hope to hear from some of you soon. Take care! Sandy Dupape (Ensom)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Margaret Franks I have been an attorney for 7 years and I live in Northern California. My daughter Simone is 17. (I was 7 months along at the 10 year reunion -- thought you might want to know how it turned out!) I always wondered what happened to Jim Weisbaum. Does anybody know?

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kelly (Fry) Callas If you remember me please contact me. I am living in Playa del Rey, Ca and for some reason the past has been taking up a lot of space in my head. I have been trying to look for the crew I used to hang out and of the course the guys I crushed on to many years ago but only a few are listed. So if you do remember me and those times email me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Steve Ganalon Hello Classmates! I found this website link through my son's Cross Country team's website (; he's a junior at South! I am happily married to Jennifer and we have 3 boys: Shane (16), the junior at South; Luke (8) attends Peninsula Heritage in RHE; and Miles (6) attends Oralingua in Whittier. I'm living in Torrance and I work in Downtown L.A. as a shopping center developer. I've coached 22 of my sons' soccer, baseball, and basketball teams which keeps me busy, and I still manage to keep in shape by keeping up with my sons. Jennifer is from La Verne and has adopted the South Bay as her new home. I would love hearing from all and any of you; even if we didn't know each other well in high school.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rhonda (Gandy) Castellanos

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Eric Garcia

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kevin Gentry

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jana (Grant) Grace Still living in Hawaii.....30 years now! Have a 21-yr-old son.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Donna(lyn) (Greenbaum) Simonoff How fun is this site!! Well,hmm. I have two amazing boys aged 10 and 8 who take up alot of time and energy. I work for an actor's union administrating contracts and I live in LA. I graduated from USC in 1983 with a degree in theatre and I've done a bunch of stuff. I was married for a while but now I'm not. Still spend a lot of time with Lisa Wright. Cool to see you all!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Penny (Groth) Latham Haven't heard from anyone. Spoke with Karen McWilliams Lytle and she said the reunion was in August. Please let me know how I can connect with anyone handling the reunion committee. I came to our Tenth Reunion, noone has contacted me since. I came with Eva Huffman to the 1989 reunion.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jacquie (Haas) Stiffler Hey Everyone! Wow where has the time gone? I have been living in Lakewood, Ca. for almost thirteen years. Have been married 21 wonderful years to Bob. Our daughter Amber is 19 and in her second year of college at UC Riverside as a biology major. Our son R.J. is 16, in his second year of high school at Lakewood High and is the goalie for their varsity soccer team (still keeping the soccer tradition going!). I have been teaching for 12 years at St. Joseph Elementary in Long Beach and I absolutely love it! Can't wait to see everyone at the 30th!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jeffrey Hicks Hey everyone! Wish we had this internet thing back in our day! Great to see all the familiar faces!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Dori (Horwitz) Smith I've lived in Sonoma County since 1999, and I've done too much stuff to list everything here. Send me email, or check out my Web site or my weblog.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Todd James

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Greg Jarvis Kind of hazy, but vaguely recognizing some of the faces… huh, seems like the class was bigger. Prison life was not kind. Being reintroduced to society has its difficulties too, but now with the heroin addiction kicked it’s been much easier. I’ve located a great spot under a freeway in St. Louis. It’s not far from a local library where I get to use the internet until… oh, shoot. Got to go!!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Paige Jensen Hi All, It would be great to hear from you. drop me a e-mail. I live in San Pedro, not married but in a four year relationship, no kids.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Chris Johnsen Hello, I moved to Seattle in 1981. Need to get ahold of a year book to match names to faces.Married in 1995 to a wonderful woman and we have a great son born in 1997.We live in the mountains in Washington state.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bruce Jones

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Teresa (Juergensen) Haveles Hello. Look forward to a fun time.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Leialoha Kalima

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Patti (Kelly) Strawn Hi everyone! We're trying to get the planning for our 30 year reunion started, and we're looking for people who still live in So. Calif who would like to be on (or, even better, IN CHARGE of ;-), the reunion planning committee. So far, Susan Bowyer Brydon, Cindy Eyster Resnik and I are on the committee, and we're hoping anyone else who wants to be involved and/or in charge of the reunion committee will get in touch soon. Jane Aegerter Marshall, Diane Wattles Goldstein and Kim Reagan Calvelli have all volunteered to help long distance as well. You can email me at We'd also like your thoughts on what month would be best for you to be able to attend the reunion. Thanks so much! Patti Kelly-Strawn

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lori (King) Albright I just realized it has been so long since I have checked in here that all of my information has changed! After 22 years of marriage I divorced and have since gotten married to a wonderful man. I have two sons, David who will be 26 in April and Charles who just turned 21. My pride and joy is my 5 year old granddaughter Katherine who will be joined any minute by a new baby brother (Ashton) on December 30, 2008. I have been living in Idaho since December 1985 and love it up here. I have my own business desining and hosting websites, which my husband and I do together, Enchanted Flight Web Hosting & Design. Please feel free to email me any time at and if anyone has a lead on Patty Orbeck I would love to get in touch with her!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Denise (Klepinger) Hazen I am living in Phoenix and a mother of 2, Tiffany, 24 and Damon, 18...Also a grandmother of 4...Would like to hear from fellow alumnis!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Laurie Kuecker Hi to everyone in my class. I am dong great, married 20 years and have 3 kids, Robert, 17 , Brian , 15 and Katie 13. My 2 oldest go to South now which is weird for me especially going back to school night as the parent. I live and work locally in Torrance, CA.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Roland La Fraugh Have been in the south bay area for most of my life. Have been with Minolta corp.18 years,and love my business hope to see you at the next reunion, I have a son 5 years old .

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Terri (Lee) Lamb Hello to all the gang of SHS. I would love to hear from anyone from the class of 79. I had to move to Big Bear my junior year so I graduated with them but South is where my heart is. I am married and my husband is in the army so we do move often. We are currently on our way to Hawaii. I come back to Torrance often to visit my parents and brothers who still live in the area. Both of my brothers were able to graduate from South. I have been busy furthering my education and I am currently working on my doctorate.( Boy, would some of my old teachers be shocked!) Good Luck to everyone and feel free to contact me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Peter Lefevre Married to Patrice, two children Maura and Sean. Busy with music and writing as always....

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Donna (Lindenman) McClung My incredbly wonderful husband of 9 years (Rick McClung class of '78)is writing this without my permission. I will update this if I can. I am in Customer Service with Smurfit Stone Container (14 years). I recently completed my B.A. at Fresno Pacific University. We have a wonderful 5 year old son, Russell, who is interviewing sports agents already. We are living in Clovis, CA. Always love to hear from old friends.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lauren (Mack) Lowe My family moved just before I would have started high school at South. I still remember lots of Calle Mayor Middle School friends and would love to catch up with those who remember me. Drop me a line at

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Steve Marek Now married 14 years and living in Oakland Oregon. A small town of 850. I teach special education at Yoncalla High School a small school of only 130 students in Yoncalla a near by town. Have been out of LA for 10 years now. Found Web Site after doing a web search for an old classmate.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tom Marino oldname: Married 16 years, 2 kids 10 and 13, teaching music (of course) and coaching sports at the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, CA (a private school), living in Santa Clarita, CA...Still playing trumpet professionally, in fact I am on a new CD released in June 2001, Gregg Rolie (co-founder of Santana and Journey)it's called "Roots". Check it out! I've also been playing trumpet on "Northern Exposure", "Sopranos" and others TV shows and Movies...when I'm not coaching little league, of course. I'd like to hear from some of you guys. Drop me a line..

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bernadette (Mariscal) Cummings hey strangers, missed both reunions, i live on Maui, Hawaii with my husband and have 2 daughters in college, still keep in touch with my best friend Vicki Clark she is also here in hawaii, Been here on maui since we graduated, love to here from some of the old gang, Michelle Norkin(still here from her), Kelly, Karen, Lisa, Diane etc. when is the next reunion

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rick Mattson Livin it up in Minnesota. Miss my ol classmates.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Brittney (Mcalpin) Clark I've been living in Tucson for the last 19 yearsI have 3 kids Aubrey20, Adrianne 14, Drew 9. I work as a Transaction Coordinator for a group of realtors. I'm also a grandma, my oldest has a 2 year old little boy named Ricky. Please feel free to contact me. I'd love to hear from some old friends.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Veronica McGregor It's about time I update my last entry. I'm living in Redondo Beach with my daughter Katie (a sophomore at Mira Costa)and son Eli (he's 12). I worked 15 years as a producer for CNN, and then I jumped over to NASA/JPL in Pasadena to manage their news operations. Yes, it's a long commute - I survive by driving a Prius with a carpool lane sticker. I'm on Twitter as @VeronicaMcG (or you can follow my space tweets @MarsPhoenix, @Marsrovers, @MarsScienceLab). Looking forward to the 30-year reunion!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Scott Meriwether Hi everyone, been living in Las Vegas since '79. All is fine. Two daughters, 14 and 10 what a handfull! wouldn't have it any other way. Feel free to contact me if in town. I am at Treasur Island Hotel. I am a Bellman there. And hey! Do we really need to wait until 2009 for another reunion? How about 2005? 25 years is enough.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bob Milling Currently living in Point Fermin, with my incredible wife and two little men, ages 7 & 9. I have my own mural studio and am still completely stoked on this incredible life of mine. The only problem is, that guy in the mirror doesn't match the man inside.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rick Mueller Great site! Been living in Colorado for about 12 years. Married five years (Cindy) three step daughters and one granddaughter. Design drafter for the first 15 years after I left South. Did a career change and got a BS in Computer Science. I get back there every once in awhile to visit. Still hang out in Redondo and Hermosa when I am there. Later....

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Pam (Nair) Neseth

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Paul Popovich Hi all ... I'm living in the Hollywood Riviera with my wife and two sons. My older son is a Sophomore at South High and my younger son is in 6th grade Richardson(Newton). Luckily, they are both smarter and better looking than I was!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Patricia (Raab) Santana hi everyone-- I am living in Palm Springs, Ca. since 1994. I have 2 boys, ages 18,20. If you remember me I sure would like to hear from you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Terri Rasmussen

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bonnie (Ruikka) Mitrosilis Seeing old friends here from 1979 and the classes before and after is awesome! Last thing I remember at SHS is George Andrews throwing pencils at the brass (you know who you are!) I live in the old neighborhood, blessed with a 19 year old daughter (SHS Class of 2006)and an 18 year old son (SHS Class of 2007) and married to the best man I know, a fabulous Greek boy I met the first day of college. Corny, I know...but hey, the truth is the truth! Looking forward to getting both kids through college now so we can split our time between here and Sifnos. I hope you are all well and happy! Feel free to email. I would love to hear from you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 John Ryan Hey class of 1979 alum! I am looking forward to the 30 year reunion (hope there is one.) I am living in Riverside, Ca. since 1988 but still think of Torrance as home. I have been married for nine years and have 5 wonderful kids. I have been with the CHP for 12 years. I often wonder what happened to fellow students and hope to hear from you! Sincerely, John

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Deb (Rygh) Swanson Hello Spartans! I married and moved to Orange County in 1990. I have a couple of fabulous sons, my oldest son plays alto sax in the HS marching band, I have so much fun going to the games and competitions. Makes me wish I had done more of that in high school. I hadn't kept up with very many from South High until the 30th reunion this past summer. IT was really great to see all of you. Hope to see you again soon. Great job reunion committee!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jerry Sandorf Although I moved from SHS to Phoenix after my sophomore year, I will always consider myself a Spartan! At SHS I wrote for the Sword & Shield, played on the baseball, golf and basketball teams, and had a serious crush on California girls! I now live in Bountiful, Utah with my sweet wife of 23 years and two beautiful teenage daughters.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cheryl Sikes I spent most of my time under the radar and dodging Scottie. I am a high school teacher in Newport Beach. Pay backs! The kids are as wacky as we ever were. I spent some time in Sweden with Annette Wickstrom, AKA that exchange student. Anyone seen or heard from her? Nameste!!!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rita (Simons) Rodriguez I am currently living in Merced, CA. I miss Torrance :( I am hoping to be moving back within three years. I would like my youngest son to attend and graduate from South High like I did! I am currently a secretary at Merced Christian School. I would love to be a secretary at South High!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Carol (Stahler) Tatsumi Happy and well, living in New York City with husband, married in 1983, and daughter, born 1991. Lived in Long Beach 1983-1992, Manhattan Beach 1993-1999. Moved to NY for special 5 month project but we are still here after 7 months. Parents are still in Torrance in same house. Planning to move back to South Bay in 2000. See you at Hank's Pizza.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jon Stanton Duh?! that about sums up the class of 97...

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Julie Stuelpnagel I live in Ashland, Oregon and after 14 years in Corporate America gave it up to practice Real Estate. Never married, but now live with my boyfriend and his two sons. I'm still friends with Joanna Van Oppen, though it's hard to see each other since she lives in London.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mike "Suds" Sutherland Hey fellow Spartans. Great to see the web page and to read all the messages. I am a club, high school and college soccer coach who teaches p.e. at Corona High School where I live with my beautiful wife and 6 kids. We spend our free time surfing almost every weekend down south. Thanks to Steve Gonzalez for hooking me up to the site. Love to hear from you all.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mark Swoboda Got married out of high school and had two kids while serving in the USAF. Got divorced after 12 years of marriage and am getting re-married this spring. Am working in security and correction services. Been back to California a few times, and wish I was there now on vacation.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kris B. Teutsch Hi classmates, I just moved back into the area and will be here for the next four months. Hope that all of you are doing well. Drop me a note if you remember me.. Kris

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bradley Thornton Hey everyone! Been running around a bit. Read everyone's profile and even wrote to a few of you. I hung around the south bay for a few yearsand worked as a computer specialist for the defense department, went off to study Biochemistry and film production (yeah, what a combo eh?) at UCSD, then I came back and cut a couple of heavy metal albums which sold great in Germany but not here. I moved to San Clemente for about 8yrs, all the while working in the computer industry throughout the 80's and 90's, finally retiring from that after 30yrs about a year ago, and moved up to the high desert where I have a small 40 acre ranch. I'm a single dad, raising my 11yr old daughter since her birth and now we ride horses in the hills behind Big Bear. I sell guns now from my little shop on hwy 62 in Yucca Valley- go figure. Looking forward to seeing you all at the big 30! and drop me a line coz I'd love to hear from any of you - or sell you a gun LOL.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michael Vicari

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mike Walker I've been lucky to have over 25 years in the entertainment industry. After splitting time between the US and Europe, I now live 5 minutes from South. Married close to 22 years, my daughters Jenny, Erin and Rikki are 21, 6 and 17 months (the last 2 are adopted). Any day now, I'll be a grandfather. Music continues to be my life. I don't tour much anymore. I teach high school in Orange County and direct a lot of musical theater, with a bit of acting thrown in. I'll be appearing this January in a production of Little Shop of Horrors as the Voice of Audrey 2, the man-eating plant. Life Rocks!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Heather Wall

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Diane (Wattles) Goldstein Hi Everyone: Spent 22 years in Redondo Beach, retired as a lieutenant for the police department. Have a great 16 year old son, ( he is 6'6", my monster) and have been happily married for the last 11 years. I am living out in Orange County. Just staying home being a mom and doing a major construction project.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Bill Whittaker What a great site ! Been a busy guy since 1979. Did a tour in the Air Force, Raised 3 awsome children. Jennifer, Jason, & Billy. The youngest of which made Eagle Scout last year. Recently separated, I have been living in a VERY small town in the Adirondack mountains of Upstate NY since 1989. How small is small? Well.. Counting dogs and chickens it's about 600 souls. I would like to thank the two teachers that gave me the most. Mrs Lececce, I am still awed by history, and George Andrews to this day I am still involved with music. Would love to hear from other alumni.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 David Wiacek Hope all is well with South's Alumni.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Marco "Marc" Wilson This is kinda strange, me on a high school reunion page. Hum, I hated school! But I did manage to meet a bunch of real cool people at South. I was there from 1978-1979 and had two Brothers that went there as well Bill and Marty. We lived on PCH in house across from the Willow Tree Apartments. If there are any of you behind the library people then you would probably know my Brother Bill. Life is good, got married, got divorced! then dated a bunch of tramps and strippers, then got married again and still married 15 years now. Got a dog, two cats and three horses and live up north kinda central-coastal California. I never wanted kids to much responsibility, the Wife has two that were just about grown and gone when I showed up so it worked out perfect.. I'm not in to High School reunions, but I thought I would drop by and say hi.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tracy L (Wilson) Morris Hi! Check out facebook for more info.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Alicia (Wolter) Lorincz hey all.. nothing much different.. married 2 years.. no kids... having fun while i can :)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Deric Wright I am still on active duty in the coast guard after all these years! I for one am looking forward to the next reunion. Keep me in the loop guys. See ya soon. Deric.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lisa (Wright) Hannon I'm always torn between the Clas of '80 I grew up with and the class of '79 I graduated with! I went on to graduate from Cal Lutheran, get married, have 2 daughters and get unmarried. I work at an advertising agency in Camarillo and live in Thousand Oaks, but dream of the day when I can move back to the South Bay. I still visit often and miss it!!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Daniel Ziegler Been living in Colorado the last 8 years. Married with 6 children. God Bless.

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