SHS Alumni Directory 1983

Choose the graduation year below. Click on the alumni's name to send eMail.
Click HERE to be added to the directory. or go to the index by year or by name

FACULTY | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

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Class of 1983
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Gary Anderson Hi everyone! Here is my bio in a nutshell. After SHS, I got my BA from Occidental College and moved up to Berkeley. I lived there for a decade, coordinating a vocational education program for developmentally disabled teens. I met and married a wonderful woman, then followed her home to Minnesota to raise our kids. I am currently working in health care, on the financial end. Most of my free time is now spent being happily run ragged by our two adventurous children. I don’t get out to CA much anymore, but you are welcome to e-mail me.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Florence Assalit Hi everyone, Time has really gone by too fast... I'm currently working for a start-up internet company in the southbay. I keep myself busy with hiking, animal rights issues, and volunteer work for animal causes. Been a vegetarian for 10 years now and feeling great. Been with my boyfriend for quite a long time and happy as can be. Also i have two dogs that i love dearly.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kelli (Ater) Lovejoy Hello all! It's 2008, I have been married since 1983 and am soon to celebrate 25 years of marriage the last day of December. I have a daughter who is 23 and two boys one 18, and the youngest son is 16. My granddaughter is 2 1/2 years old now. I wonder am I the only grandmother from the class of 83? My husband and I and the youngest son live in Southeast Texas. I hope I can make one of the reunions I think it would be a blast.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 James Aviani Wow the time flies! Married for 14 years with one adorable 2 year old girl. I live in Santa Barbara and am CIO for a publicly traded company. I run marathons, drink red wine, and try to not read my Blackberry at dinner. I missed the 20th but will certainly show up for the 25th (should it exist.)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kellie (Bachiero) Jamile Hello Spartans! Don't hate me, but I married a Tarter (Jeff Jamile '85) two years ago. You'll have a chance to harass him at the reunion tomorrow night. I sure hope we have a great turn out to represent the awesome class of '83. We are living in Torrance with our 4 kids (Cassidi 13, Dominic 10, Alani 9, and Kai 7) who are following in my academic footsteps (Seaside and Calle Mayor). Jeff is a 5th grade teacher at Seaside and I own a business (tradeshow/convention industry) with my father and two brothers (Kenny '82 and Kevin '85). We stay busy coaching and keeping track of the kids. Can't wait to catch up with all of you at the reunion - bring pictures of your family. Take good care.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Scott Bargar Married with four kids (1 girl, 3 boys)and still living in Torrance. Hope eveyone is well.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michael Barnett Hey All. Nice to see the old names, and some of the old faces. I went to El Camino for awhile after high school, then trekked up to the bay area to go to school in Santa Cruz, CA. My high school buddy Roni Portillo (you've GOT to remember him!) was up there as well, and we're still best buds. I met a girl from Chile there, and we've been married for 12 years. We have a 7 year old daughter (her birthday is today!). After working as a Systems Administrator for a Pharmaceutical company in Silicon Valley, I tried a dot.bomb, and got laid off. Moved to Katy, TX, of all places, and am now working as a consultant for SAP. Cool to see what y'all are doing with your lives!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Seth L. Basen Greetings from Southern Arizona! Been enjoying a little bit of everything over the past twenty...way too much to itemize here, other than that I'm happliy married for the last six, buying books for a regional distributor, personal fitness training, and wingin' it back to the ol' South Bay for some quality beach time whenever I can get away! Looking forward to seeing many of you at the reunion...whenever that is.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Brian Beckman Thanks go out to Jane(my sister) for the representation, but I feel as if I see half of you folks weekly at the beach or at Hennessey's. For those that I don't see, I married Julie Edgington(class of 1981) in 1991,we've got two wonderful kids, and we recently purchased a house in Torrance. I did move away for a while, but Redondo Beach was just too damn far away! See you in August.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tim Blume Hey fellow 83er's... It was great seeing you all at our reunion! That was a blast! It's hard for me to believe that 20 years has gone by. It made me realize what a great class we had and how much I missed everyone. Take care and keep in touch. Feel free to email me....Aloha

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Stephen Brey

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Guy Bunyard After leaving SHS I went to El Camino, then transferred to Stanford where I graduated in '88. Got my masters in math in '90 from CSULB, and have been teaching math ever since. Started teaching and coaching football at El Camino (was there for five years), got married in '90 and lived in Culver City for three years, and then moved to Maryland where I currently live (my wife is from Massachusetts and we wanted to be closer to her family). I currently teach math at a community college, and also work part-time for my church with the youth ministry. I coached football out here for four years too, but had to give that up because of time contraints - I have two boys (2 1/2 and 15 months) and twin girls on the way - could come at anytime now. I do miss SoCal but Maryland is a great place to live.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Larry Carstens What can I say? Today is Sept. 14, 2002, and I just found this website. It was great to read about what my classmates have been up to. So now I must augment. Over the years, I have "settled down" somewhat, but still act "nutty" from time to time by choice (not compulsion). In 1986, I studied for a semester in Cambridge, England and said farewell to all by jumping into the Cam River on a cold, cloudy English day. (I had to ride home on a bicycle later, so, yes, I got sick...) In 1989, I graduated from Loyola Marymount, and not long afterward, became a high school English teacher (no roasted hot dogs in class, though). In 1993-94, I taught for a year in Spain and rode through France, England and Ireland on a motorcycle. In 1996, I got married to a beautiful Filipina-American girl from Tempe, Arizona. Since then, we have had three chitlins (aged 4, 2, and 7 months). In May, 2001, we bought a beautiful hilltop home in Castaic, which overlooks Magic Mountain. I have been able to afford this because of pretty decent pay I get (from LAUSD) as a result of National Board Certification and a Master's Degree (from CSUN, 2000), and teaching part-time at the local community college (College of the Canyons). I'm still about as "religious" as before, and sometimes write for religous publications (in my own "off the wall" way, of course). I'm sorry I'm not in the area any more, but you all remain in my heart and memories. This just in for Feb. 2008: Sorry I missed the 25 year reunion, but I'll try and make the next one. Update addendum: 2 more chillins: John, born on July 10, 2003 and Catherine, born Nov. 30, 2005. Now we're the 21st Century Waltons! Whoa!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Joe Carton I left the South Bay in 1999 and moved a little further south to Huntington Beach. I have been married 17 years and have one boy, James, age 15. I work for The Gas Company in Marketing and have been with them for 18 years. Spend my life with the family, working and surfing. Every once in awhile I drive by South and think back fondly of the good and bad times. Any Walterian's or BL'ers out there that survived? Joe

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cynthia Cassinelli Hey there all: It is amazing how nice it is to catch up a bit on what so many of us are up to. After graduating from UCLA, I chucked the degree and opened a travel agency in you do. Sold it a few years later, moved to beautiful Denver where I lived for 10 years, working in the communications industry in global sales, until I accepted a similar position in Sydney a year ago. I have worked extensively in Australia and Asia with this last role and have been fortunate to have my fiance' also working out here and sharing this adventure/seeing so much of the world. My Dad and brother John still live by Rocketship Park, so I do get back to the old stomping grounds quite a bit and always remember, and wish everyone well!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Gina Catalusci

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Nina (Chirello) McCoy

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cari Clark Hi Class of 83. I hope the guys i use to hang with are doing well. miss you all. Cari

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Monica (Colley) Lehmann Hey! Wanted to update my info on the site for any South High Alum out there who actually read it...We moved away from Northern Calif. in Feb '08 and relocated to South Florida. Love it here! More beach-oriented, like what I was used to growing up in Redondo. Our girls are now 15 & 12, the older one's an artsy/computer game freak, younger one's a competitive gymnast. Hubby's a property investor. I hang out w/ the fam, & try to get to the beach whenever I can, now that I have access to it once again (thank the Lord!)Hope you're all well. E-mail me!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ken Collins Hello everyone. After graduating from the University of Colorado in 88, I came back and spent 2 years back in the South Bay before moving to No. Cal. I currently live in Clayton (outside of Walnut Creek) with my wife Kathleen, daughter Kaylie 4 and son Kyle 3. Have been in surgical instrument sales for the past 10 years, and spend most of my free time with my family and on the golf course. Hope all is well.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Christine (Connolly) Burkhardt Graduated from LMU with BSME and have worked at Boeing ever since (formerly McDonnell Douglas). Married in 1990 and have 3 boys (17, 16, and 14). Ive been in Lakewood for 12 years now. I serve on the Worship team at my church 'Parkcrest' in Long Beach playing acoustic guitar and occasionally lead worship at our Celebrate Recovery program on friday nights.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Chris Corman After living in San Diego during the 90's, I moved back to the South Bay. I am currently working for Mattel as a Sr. Marketing Manager on our Hot Wheels product. With the move, my wife Holly and I get to see a number of Alum on a consistent basis. It also allows us to spend more time with my sister Katrina who is married with two little girls, my dad (Coach Corman) and my mom.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Dawn (Corsini) Breski Well, it seems I'm involved back in high school again - my daughter is in her sophomore year at - West High! My son starts next year. They are much better at the high school thing than I was, both are wonderful athletes. Hello to all - I was sorry I missed the 20th.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Allyson (DeLanoy) Giunta Hi everyone! I left CA in '84 and havn't made it back yet, although I keep trying. I am living in Staten Island, New York and I am married with 3 wonderful kids. I can hardly believe my oldest daughter is starting high school, it seems like just yesterday we were on the football field for our graduation. I've lost touch with everyone after so many years and I'm so happy to find this site. Anyone out there who remembers can e-mail me at I'd love to hear about the reunion.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Toni (DiOrio) Lerner It was really nice to stumble across this website. I am amazed at all the wonderful things that have been accomplished, and sad to hear about the passing of some of our friends. Since graduating SHS, I moved to Orange County, have been married to the same great guy for over 20 years, have three wonderful kids (19, 16, 11), and have been a school addict! I am currently working on my second graduate degree and a doctorate simultaneously! Life is good; I enjoy teaching at both the college and high school levels, and spending any free time with my family. I hope to be able to attend the next reunion. God's blessings to all!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Elizabeth (Liz) (Dixon) Collins Hello everyone, I was looking up a few friends and stumbled on this. Sounds like most everyone is doing fine. I was married for 17 years and got divorced this last year. I have two great boys, 13 and 15. I'm pretty much doing that mom thing which suits me fine. If anyone wants to drop me a line, that would be lovely! Take care. June, 7, 2006

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Scott Edman Hello all.I'm still kicking and enjoying life in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley Stevensville,Mont.just south of Missoula .I'm still married(14 years) to my wonderful high school sweetheart,Kathy Hart Edman.We have reproduced like rabbits and have 3 kids,Chance 14,Cameron 11,Bethany 7 and my nephew Tyler 13 also lives with us.Our kids are homeschooled.I currently own my own Cellular store(Bitterroot Cellular) and Kathy is a stay at home Mom.I am also the President of the local baseball league and also play in an adult amateur hardball league.Montana living is awesome.See ya'll.e-mail me at

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jacki (Feldbauer) Kendig Hi to all and glad to hear all are doing so well. A quick bio...never got the degree, got knocked up instead...and wouldn't have it any other way. Married in 87 (to a THS 83 grad), divorced in 99. Have 2 AWESOME son Shea is 18 and just finished his freshman year at Cerritos College. My daughter Ashley is 16 and is currently a junior at Torrance High. Both of my kids are wrestlers and I'm the team mom at THS (whodda thought I would trade in green and white for maroon and gray). My kids and I reside in old Torrance...just can't seem to leave Torrance. Hope to continue to read all of the exciting things you all have been up to. Take good care.


Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Darik Fernandez Hey everybody, just updating this from my last visit in 2000, I just can't believe how fast time goes by now. Currently living in Corona, Ca. kids are now 12 and 7 years old, married now for 14 years, and we spend our time shuttling kids back and forth to basketball games all over Southern California, when we are not playing sports, you can find us out at the river. Best wishes, hope everyone is well.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Natay (Ferrante) Hanrahan Hello to all of you. Everyone sounds FANTASTIC! Sorry I had to miss the 20 Year reunion. Sounds like everyone had a great time (special thanks to Paul Moses for his detailed recap). Still in Chicago with my husband of 12 years and our 4 kids(10,8,6,3). I started a Real Estate Investment Company last year and continue to work at that when I'm not managing the kids. Hope to make the NEXT reunion and catch up with all of you. Until then, take the best of care. Natay Hanrahan

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tim French Im still here in the wonderful south bay. I work for gulf stream aerospace in long beach. Still just enjoying life and living the single life. hope to see ya all at a reuni.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 RJ Friedlander Currently living in Spain with my wife Nina and our two kids (Alex 7 and Sofia 5)....

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jamie (Gesualdi) Somerville Hello all! After high school, I earned my Bachelors Degree in Business Admin from Cal State Domingues Hills. I worked in Marketing and Advertising for several years, and spent many of my professional years at American Honda Motor Co. in Torrance. I've stayed in the South Bay and San Pedro all these years, with a short stint in Orange County. I'm divorced with two boys - now 10 and 8 years old (2010). I owned a construction company for many years, and I now provide accounting and business services for several South Bay and So. Cal businesses. Ciao!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cathy (Gherardi) Gillespie Just found this site today (thanks to Michael Barnett - who tracked me down at Amazed at how many of you still live in the South Bay! I moved to Aspen at 22 - then Big Bear - then Tahoe - finally settling in Minden, NV in 2003 (in the Carson Valley, just below South Lake Tahoe). My parents moved here, too. Married for 6 years and have a beautiful son, Cooper (3 in Oct). After some years doing Marketing in the ski industry, got involved with a few start-ups, and now work full-time as a Graphic Designer. Sorry I missed the 20th; will be there for the 25th.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Connie (Giannioses) Richardson

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Scott (Goldstein) de la Torre This weirder than weird! It's been over 20 years!! Just to see some of your names brings back good memories. It would be great if even more alumni would know about it. I've been married 13 years and have been teaching for about 11. I have 5 wonderful kids and a beautiful wife. I live currently in Boca Raton, Florida.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mary (Grace) Gomez Hi to everyone! I am so glad I found this site. I still live in Torrance and have 3 awesome children, Amanada 15 (Freshman at THS), Jessica 12 1/2 and Adam 8. I work for a Mortgage company in Torrance and am doing really well. Life is great and couldn't be happier!! It was great to read the update on alot of old friends! Glad to see everyone is doing well!!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jack Greenbaum Good to read about what we've all been up to! As a few of you witnessed I took the long way through UCSB. Once I got the hang of school I went back for an MS in Computer Engineering, narrowly escaping without my PhD. Five years in Silicon Valley was enough, been back in Santa Barbara since 1998. My wife Lisa is studying to be a jeweler. Our daughter Maddy, born in 1996, is a joy. It is surprising how many from our class came to UCSB, and how many stayed here. This is a small town, but the only time I see James is on the plane up to San Jose.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michael Hagedorn Hello all, I graduated from UCLA in '87, married my college sweetheart in '89, started my business in '90 and have two daughters, born '93 and '94. We live in Manhattan Beach. I am a Certified Financial Planner.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Derek Haigh I hope everyone is doing well. I am currently living in Scottsdale AZ. I am single at this time and spend most of my free time mountain biking and Lifting at Golds.If you are ever in AZ send me a email.Take care.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Teresa (Hardesty) Gertsman Hi Everybody! Moved to South Orange County - married for 14 yrs - my oldest daughter Amy is now over 21 - 2 more daughters 13 and 5. Full time recruiter in medical devices. Haven't been good at keeping in touch but miss everybody! Email me! Teresa

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Geoffrey Hegel Moved to AZ in 90 got married that lasted thirteen years got divorced and still single. A son (Zane) 18 a daugter (Shelby) 16 I currently live in Queen Creek, AZ.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Steve Holland Long time since SHS. Married for 8 years (Tricia) and have a great Son (Sean) and another one on the way in February '07. Living in Mission Viejo and have been a Mtg Banker for 20 years... Still riding/racing Motorcycles although a little slower these days. Life's been good so far...

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Pam (Hooker) Sellazzo Oh my gosh - I cannot believe I just found this site! I have been living in Atlanta for the past 19 years. I have a fantastic husband and 2 kids - a daughter who is 14 and a son who is 4. I went to the 10 year reunion, but have not been back since. Crazy how time flies! I own a business and I am going back to school for another degree in Respiratory Care. Take care everyone!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Gunnar Johannsson Hi, I've been living in Reykjavik Iceland ever since I finished SHS. I've been working as an editor for film and TV since 1986. Got married in 1999 to the mother of my 2 kids at the age of 10 and 2. I've been so many times to the US since '83 but never been back to CA, but I might come back in 03

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Felton Jones As with everyone, it was exciting to discover this site. Sorry that I've missed all of the reunions, but it's always wonderful seeing those of you who still reside in the South Bay. I am married and living in Gardena. My wife, Nancy, is an alumni of North High (class of 85). I have a son (15 years), a daughter (2 years) and we are currently expecting a third this October. Well, like they say, "Three's a charm...". I started working directly after leaving South, and have been in the restaurant industry for the past 23 years. I currently work in Manhattan Beach, and spend most of my spare time trying to keep up with my daughter and surfing as time permits. I have been blessed with my wife and family. Take

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Thomas Patrick Judge Left us on 5/28/1994 in a motorcycle accident.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ron Knox Hi to all. I'm still in Torrance, married with 4 kids with 2 at South (Chistopher 16, and Allie 14) and 2 at Seaside (Sarah 10 and Matthew 6). Hope all is well with everyone and would love to hear from any of the old gang.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Andreas Koch 25-YEAR REUNION will be combined w/ '82 & '81ers this year. Stand by for exact date & location- I'm working on this now. We need to reach as many of you '83ers as possible. Get your info uploaded on this website. Spread the word.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rob Kragh Did not know this site existed. Hagedorn just told me about it. Anyways - after graduating from UCSB was in Hermosa/Redondo then moved east to Northern VA for five years. Married for 15 years with three kids (Michael 10, Caroline 7, Will 4)and living in Atlanta. I find myself 20 years + later in the seafoood business. Am now starting a new division for Chicken of the Sea. Importing product from the Indonesia, Phil, Vietnam and Thailand. Traveling alot in the US and oversea's.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jennifer (Lee) Smith Hi to all, Still living in Washington DC and working for the State Department. My husband Tracy and I now have an adorable little boy (16 months) who runs us ragged and is basically a ton of fun! Hope to see some of you on my next trip back to Torrance!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Randy Maass Hello Spartans. Well I am happy to say that I ditched my mullett back in 1986. Has it really been 20 years? Seems like it was only yesterday I was cruising the halls, trying not to be noticed in my Toughskins and velour OP shirt. Not to worry, I am still a geek. Nontheless, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I've got a great wife(10 years) 3 boys that run me ragged(ages 7,4, and 2)and a good gig at Fedex(17 years). We have settled in Long Beach and just bought a house down the street from Eldorado Park. I play drums in a rock band called Emberglow. Music has taken me some interesting places both geographically and otherwise but I am staying close to home now. South High was a great school. As I have gotten older I realize that my high school experience was something that I took for granted, endured rather than enjoyed, its funny how time will change our perspective on these things. Best wishes to all, Randy Maass

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tim Mace Hi everyone! Sorry I missed the 20th. I love the site. I'll have to get in touch with Randy Maas as I too work for FedEx. I am married to a very patient, wonderful wife and have a great almost 9 year old son. I have been living in Long Beach since graduating CSULB on the 5-year-plus plan. I'ld love to catch up!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mike Mattice Hi, still breathing, now living in Colorado! I've been married 20 years, have three kids, our oldest is in the Air Force.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Geoffrey McPherson Retired now from the military. Still living in Hawaii. I work for a large construction company as the Safety and Health Officer. Went back to college. Hope you all are doing well. Aloha

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Annette Melton I went to the University of Colorado-Boulder after South. And now I'm back. After 15 years of working in TV and film production (mostly in Texas and Oklahoma), I'm now working on something straight from the heart. I'm on staff with a Christian student group on campus called "Campus Ambassadors". We help students delve into more than just academic and social things while they're here. I wish I'd had something like this group to connect me more with Jesus when I was in school.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Dave Mills After 11 years of Custom Cabinet Manufacturing I moved to Las Vegas Nevada in 1994 and Joined the Carpenters Union in 1997.I worked in the construction of most of the Mega Resorts. I'm currently working as a carpenter foreman for GES Exhibition Services.Bought a home in Henderson(thankfully before the real estate bubble) and got married in 2002 (no kids yet).Bought a second vacation home in Meadview AZ.(Northwest Arizona near east end of Lake Mead and Grand Canyon West Skywalk).Spend my freetime Wakeboarding on Lake Mead, Snowboarding in Utah,and doing home improvement projects on my vacation home.If anyone enjoys boating,Meadview is a great place to get away from the crowds with great water,fishing,scenery,and more sandy beaches than anywere else on the lake.I rent my vacation home for the week or weekends If anyone is interested.E-Mail or check me out on facebook.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michelle (Moreno) Hutchings

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Paul David Moses I married my wife Sharon on Oct.2,1998. We live in south Redondo and love life. I graduated from L.M.U. in '88. I am active in Redondo politics and I travel quite a bit. I pretty much monkey around the rest of the time. I am looking forward to enjoying my $77 taco boat at the reunion.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Merri (Naka) Reese Wow! Just found this site while looking up someone who signed my guestbook on Classmates. Since graduation I got my BS in BS (really!! Biological Sciences) from UC Irvine. While there I also had a blast sailing FJ's on the UCI sailing team. We even made it to the nationals! Since then I married a guy I met while working at UCI after graduating. Hope to make it to the next reunion and catch up with more of you!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cathy Norby Wow! I just found out about this website after visiting Brian at Hennesseys in Hermosa Beach. Since high school, I have graduated from Cal Poly S.L.O. and am living in Concord, CA since 1989. This is about and hour east of San Francisco. My email address is what was on my powderpuff jersey Senior Year. ( Feel free to email me! Congrats to all who are married with kids. I have one boy, he is 10 years old and what a handful. I found out about the 20th reunion too late to go, but Andreas-2008 you say?? Maybe I will see you there. Bye for now.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Monica (Nosek) Gorman Hi--after several years at Reed (not culminating in a degree) I ran screaming from academia to get a real job and race motorcycles (road courses) on the side. Married my sponsor and main wrench in 1989, and we have a 7-year-old son who is not too shabby a rider himself (possibly the next Jeremy McGrath ;-)). We live in Oregon, where we share some acreage with a couple of dogs, a couple of goats, a cat and a pond full of goldfish.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Megan (O'Neill) Pierson Hello Class of '83! Hope everyone is doing well. Living in Cardiff, CA. Still surfing - that is where I met my husband of the last eight years. Have been working as a graphic artist since graduating college.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Mareva (Re') (Orr) Howse-Henderson Hey all...Well it's been a crazy last 2 years. At the reunion, as some may have noticed I was quite pregnant. To our joy, My husband and I were blessed with a boy, John Woodrow Henderson. He was named for our fathers. In January of 2005, we relocated to New Orleans, only to have Katrina hit. You'all can actually say that you know a real Katrina evacuee. We lost our home, but not our spirit. We now live in Cajun Country, the Bayou, as the thought of going back to New Orleans was entirely too stressful. This year, my oldest son, Daniel Robert Howse, graduates from South High and I will be happy to visit the football field once again. So many fond memories.....Eric Mayol if you're out there, you will be happy to know that I evacuated with a small ceramic pot that you gave to me so long ago....If anything I have my memories to carry me through life. Love to you all.....Mareva

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tom Peitzman South High seems like another lifetime! I have been living in La Canada, CA for the past 15 years with Christa and my three daughters Hailey (10), Molly (8) and Hannah (8). You got it TWINS! I'm a Visual Effects Producer for the motion picture industry currently working on Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes". Movie business has been great for the past 15 years. It has taken me and my family around the world doing over 20 feature films.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Tonya (Penn) Maldonado Wow! This is nice to see how everyone is doing. For me after grad. I went to Europe with the singing group from South. From there I was one of the Top 10 finalist in the Miss Torrance Pageant in 83'& 84'. Graduated from El Camino and I met my husband Mario from doing a car wash there. He took me from my comfort of the South Bay and brought me to Las Vegas, NV where we have been for the last 10 years. We have two wonderful kids. Jessica who is 10, and Vincent who is 5 1/2. Mario and I have been married for 14 1/2 years and still going strong. I have been fortunate enough to stay home with my kids for the past 4 years but once my youngest goes in the 1st grade, I will be coming out of retirement. I am looking forward in seeing everyone in Aug.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michael Perry Hello Everybody, Can't believe it has already been over 20 years since graduation. As of fall 2004, I am living in Henderson, NV.(a suburb of Las Vegas) for the last 4 years. Have been married for last 11 years to my wife Marie. No kids yet. Hope to hear from any friends. Please email me Best, Michael

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ian Porter Since my original posting, the 20th reunion has come and gone and I'm no closer to getting back to all the beauty Torrance has to offer. I'm still living in London just outside Wimbledon. Still acting. Just found out I was cut from Basic Instinct 2...not that upset about it either. Happily married for 7 years. No kids, no health plan, no savings, but a full head of hair and vacationing in the south of France. Maybe airport security will get back to normal and I'll be able to say hi at the 25th.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Elizabeth Prazeres Hi everyone. I moved up to northern Ca 5 years ago and I am living in Sausalito. I work in San Francisco for a software/services company where I am the District VP of sales. Looking forward to seeing everyone in 03!

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Dianne (Reece) Silver Hi everyone. After graduating from UCLA, Mitch and I married in 1989. We've lived in the San Francisco Bay Area (Foster City and Alameda), London, England, and have, hopefully, permanently settled in Rancho Santa Margarita in South Orange County. We have 4 beautiful children, Lauren 11, Brian 8, Matthew 6, and Robin 3. I've been a stay at home mom since Lauren was born. We stay busy with their sports, traveling, and skiing. Hope to hear from some other 83 grads.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jim Rolstead OMG, did I read a classmate of ours is a Grandma? Didn`t make the ´03´ reunion as I was in Central America at the time. Enjoying life to the fullest, travelling, etc... Actually in Guanajuato right now. Take Care, Jim

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Todd Rose Hi everyone from the class of 83. I joined the Army after leaving South. Met a special someone in Colorado while in the Army. Been married for almost 13 years now. Living in Moreno Valley, CA.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Michele Rousseau Hello Everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your lives. I have relocated many times and somehow landed in Irvine. I keep in touch with some of my old friends, but have unfortunately lost track of others. If you are an other.. email me... :-)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rika (Saito) Saki Married and moved to Japan 15 yrs ago. I have 2 girls ages 7 and 13. Have relocated to Belgium 6/04' due to my husband's work. Love to hear from you !

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Beth Sampson Beth passed away in June, 2002 due to a brain tumor.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 R Scott Sandberg So....It finally happened...Stacy got the transfer w/ Delta Air and we're back! Living in PVE and digging it. Surfing as much as I can. Jonas is enjoying his cousins and all the family very much. Currently working as Lunch Chef at Chez Melange, remember that place? Well it's still going strong and relocating outta that fleabag hotel to a nice spot at the corner of Ave I and Catalina. Be sure to check it out.,.,.,.,.,. Chat at ya soon or give me a write..Cheers! 2008-03-10

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Elena (Schiro) McGough I finally made my way back to (Northern) California after 20 years, by way of Baltimore and Seattle. Traded the city for the country and the cubicle farm for an actual farm where I grow things for local farmers markets. It's the last thing I ever pictured for myself but life's just weird that way, don't you find? Hope to see lots of you in '08...

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Brigitte Scholl

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ruth (Short) Thomas wow, this is another great site. hi to all and to those who didn't make it to the 20 year reunion, you missed out. andreas, thanks for organizing it, super job. i've been married to John since 1990 and we have 2 kids, Caleb 14 and Kelsey 6. big gap, but it works great. still living in Lomita. all my family is still in the south bay. hope to hear from old friends.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sandy (Silver) Spallino Hi everyone, My family has moved back to the Hollywood Riviera after 2 years in Northern California. Look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion. I am still enjoying full time motherhood with my husband Jon and 2 daughters ages 6 and 8.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Cynthia Snyder Hello to Chris Thames, Monica, Sue, Stacy, Caroline, Michi, Paul, Gary, Mike, Will, Tony (gul)...I have seen Mr. Osberg swimming at South End. I still lifeguard summers at the south bay beaches and am (what a surprise) a band director the rest of the year. Just wanted to check out the directory and say hello.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Toni (Soukup) Muller Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - Springfield, OR, to be precise. I've looped around the country to get back to the West - Baylor Univ. in Waco, Texas (at least now everyone knows where that is); grad school and work in Charlottesville, VA; supporting husband through seminary in Philadelphia; pastor's wife in Rapid City, SD; now home-schooling mom in OR. I've enjoyed seeing a lot of the country traveling around, especially the East Coast, but it's nice to be settled in the same house for more than 2 years! Married Nick in 1989 and have two children, Eowyn (5) and Ned (almost 3). Would like more, but the clock is ticking. My degree in Ancient Greek prepared me for - absolutely nothing unless I'd gotten a Ph.D.! So I worked in administration, financial aid and computing before starting my own computer training business, which I gave up for my first-born in 1998. Jesus Christ and His church continue to be the most important commitments in my life, along with my family and close friends. (For those who had my mother as a teacher, she went home to the Lord in December 2001, after a valiant battle against cancer.)

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ana Myko (Spunt) Kona Hi!!! I found the site after Derek Haigh found me on facebook. I am living in Torrance after years in Hawaii. Missed the last reunion. I am still singing blues and rock in a band. Playing Hollywood etc. I love it. I quit the day job a long time ago and music and art are my paycheck. How is everyone? keep in touch.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rob Stahl Latest Update: My wife, Jen, and I now have 2 boys, Drew (3 y.o.) and Ryan (1 y.o.). We still live next to Rocketship Park. I think if we would let them, the boys would want to live on the top floor of the rocketship. Still have 2 optometry practices in the South Bay (1 in Gardena and 1 in Manhattan Beach). Turning 40 wasn't too bad, but the knees are starting to feel it !

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jacqueline (Stanley) Thompson Hi everyone. I still live in South Torrance and it seems like everyone else does too based on the amount of people I run into. I'm married and have two boys and a girl. Look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Sandy (Stanton) Bosnich

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Dennis Stelton

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jane (Sternin) Baldauf After graduating from CSULB in 1988, I worked in the automotive industry and then ventured out on my own, starting an executive search firm. I married in 1994 and have lived in Orange County since then. My most recent achievement is full-time motherhood. I have a two year old son and a three month old daughter.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Christie Stromer Hello everyone, I hope you are all happy and living your dreams!!! I am living in Pacific Grove, Ca and enjoying life in a beautiful place. I havent made it to a reunion yet and recently found this site. My oldest best friend Maria told me about it today, great way to connect. Maybe I will go in November, anyone else going? Might be fun, 81,82&83 togeather, lots of my friends were 82 like Maria,Richard Mike and Cavin and Kristen and my sister Debi was 81, maybe she will come too. She just moved to Idaho.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Christopher Thames Hi Cynthia and everybody. I went on to UCI with Merri Naka and then to a boring career in software architecture. I missed the 20 year anniversary, but was at the 10th with my wife Serafina with whom I am still married for 14 years--sans children. Over the last couple of years I have fallen in love with windsurfing and now teach for ABK and independently in Long Beach whenever I can. Check out my website if you are interested.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Arlene (Vogeler) Daraban Hi all! I married a classmate from the class of 1982,Greg Daraban.We moved to Las Vegas 12 years ago.We have 2 boys,Justin 6 and Tyler 2.Greg is a Las Vegas oddsmaker and I work part-time at the Forum Shops in Caesars Palace. We visit Torrance several times a year. Hope all is well with everyone,see you in 2003.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Jill (Whitsitt) Gibbs 13 years in the Pacific NW. Lived on Vashon Island in Washington State. Worked for the United States District Court in downtown Seattle. 10 years in Placitas, New Mexico. Started a couple home based businesses manufacture and sell all natural aromatherapy, perfume, bath and skin care products. Will celebrate 23 years of marriage in 2010. You can find me at facebook by entering my name or twitter @ blackpearlbotan

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Kim (Winget) Myers

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Rick Wolff The reunion last fall was a real blast. It was great to see so many familiar faces again. Hopefully, Andreas can put together a 25 year reunion for our class this fall. My lovely wife, Susan, and I are still living in Westlake Village. We have been married for almost 19 years. Our oldest daughter, Carina (17) is a cheerleader at Westlake High School. I can't believe that she will be going to college in 1 1/2 years. Our oldest son, Cameron (15) is playing basketball and tennis at Westlake. Chiara (13) is a 7th grader at Colina Middle School and our youngest, Connor (10) is a 5th grader at Lang Ranch. I put on the soccer cleats for my company's team recently and it is a lot of fun. Granted, I am slower than I even was in high school. I know, that is hard to believe! I changed jobs and I am working as the CFO for SAGE Publications in Thousand Oaks. Drop me an e-mail as I would love to hear from you.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Lily (Wong) Wahl Hey all - Looking forward to the 30 year reunion. Been married 14 years to Lex Wahl, no kids, 2 dogs. Live in the South Bay so Facebook or email me a hello.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Brett Wooldridge Very cool to have stumbled onto this site and seen how well my classmates from way back are doing. To bring you up to date; met my wife Lisa of 13 years at CSULB while getting my degree in Industrial Design. Worked and moved and moved and worked from Santa Barbara to Hollywood and Sherman Oaks, and now I'm back in Torrance, if you can believe it. Currently doing the freelance thing as a graphic designer and art director, mostly for entertainment companies. We have a son Evan and I coach his soccer teams like my dad Paul, whom many of you played for, used to do. Peace.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Soo-may Yen Hello everyone! i will try to make it to the next reunion.

Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in /home/south/public_html/directory.php on line 132 Ray Zepeda After South, my saxophone and I headed East to M.I.T. where I graduated in 1988 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Since then, I've been living near Hermosa Beach and have worked mostly as a project manager or process engineer for several companies in the oil & gas industry. Musically, I've remained active through the years, gigging with several bands but mostly with the Tyrone Anthony Group ("smooth" jazz). Earned a Masters in Jazz Studies at U.S.C. in 1998. Played with Lou Rawls in 1996. Recorded my own straight-ahead jazz CD in 1998, "Step By Step" (Soundsketch Records), that has yet to be released. (Hope to have copies by our 20th.) Spend a lot of time working out at Bally's in Manhattan Beach. Have done a lot of intrepid travelling recently - Egypt, Israel, Palestine, India, Kashmir, Pakistan, the Afghan border. E-mail me and I'll let you know where I'm playing. 'See you at a gig or at the gym!

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