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Class of 1989
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Steven Anderson
It's nice to see that so many of my former classmates and friends have posted since I first deemed the entire Class of 1989 "slackers" in an earlier message (how nice of many of them to make note of it and mention me in their postings as well!). Since that message, very little has changed. I am still listed in the Class of 1993 listings as the "wonderful man" who married Alexis Morse over ten years ago (I guess there's no accounting for taste). The baby boy I mentioned in my last post (Noah) is now a rather tall and exuberant five year old whose favorite things in life are Batman and his baby sister, Phoebe (born 2000). I am currently in my seventh year of teaching AP US History, AP US Government & Politics and AVID at Hawthorne High School and think often and fondly of the many gifted teachers I had while at South- especially the inimitable and entertaining Mr. Schwendemann, the intimidating and inspiring Mr. Stannard, and the incredible and enthusiastic Ms. Furjanick (whom Lili Malkin and I visited just recently before her retirement in June of 2003. It was wonderful seeing Ms. F. again, looking out over the railing of the Y Building and stealing our visitor passes from the office!). Being in a high school classroom everyday brings back many memories of my teachers, friends and former classmates. 2003-08-22 |  |
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Delano Ayala
Hi everybody, Hope all is well with everyone. I am doing fine. I just been bought out of a small businees call Personal Bistro. I think my face is on the web sight at Right now I am just hanging out trying to think of whats next? So if anyone wants to chat? Please do! 2004-04-13 | |
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Elizabeth (Bracy) Cox
Hi all, been 19 years now, loved seeing everyone that made it to the 10 year reunion. Since then, got married and now have 3 lovely daughters. Currently residing in Bakersfield, CA but we travel whereever my husband (Rob) goes. Lived in AZ, NM, WY, San Fran and Pomona. Love it. Have had a few careers up to this point but now full time mom and wouldn't have it any other way. Well, love to hear from everyone. Drop me a line. 2008-02-09 | |
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Tia Brambila
Hi all!! This site is such an awesome idea!! I'll have to let the fam know since we have South grads from the very first graduating class. I'm still here in Cali after a very brief stint in Miami Beach a.k.a. urban hell. I am teaching 3rd and 4th grade and loving least most of the time! Any of my old friendies from South please email me sometime....I lost contact with Pearl Akamine, Stacy Bernat, Glenna Allendorf, Deeann Heilman, Suzie Nusbaum....I lost contact with ya'll in one of my many moves...drop me a line sometime. Hope everyone's life is going well =] | |
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Jonathan Bredehoft
It was great seeing everyone at the 20 year reunion. It's hard to believe time flies that fast! I obtained a BS in Biology from UCSB ('93) and a Masters in Environmental Epidemiology from Loma Linda('98). Living in OC and enjoying spending time with my wife and kids. Stop by my facebook and say hi sometime. 2009-09-10 | |
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Randie (Brown) Myles
2003-08-02 | |
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Angel (Chapman) Kelley
Hi every one!! I hope you all are doing well.I am married with three trying children, just kidding.Oldest is a freshman at south WOW time flys.. Best wishes, Angel 2005-03-27 | |
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Tommy Charurat
Hello there! I am glad to have found the alumni directory. A lot has happened to me since graduation. I don't know where to begin. One thing for sure is that I gave up all hope to become an engineer. After having failed college level physics three times, I realized that it wasn't my thing. I ended up with a business degree from the University of Virginia and a CPA license. I have been working as a senior project manager at IBM Corporation for the past 9 years. This place is the Bomb! I planned to be here for quite a while. In May 2004, I finally completed my Executive MBA at Duke University and got married to my wife in Tennessee. I have not been back to South High since graduation. I would like come back to visit California and the school someday. Drop me a note when you have time. Later, dude! 2004-10-18 | |
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Brian Diederich
I graduated from LMU with a degree in Politcal Science and used that to become a mortgage broker??? I have been married for 11 years with 3 sons and live one block from where I grew up. 2007-01-02 | |
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Vickie Edgington
What's up all? Living in Arizona for the last 14 years and all is great. I work at car dealership and breed dogs you can see my web-site at love to hear from you. 2007-01-09 | |
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Mike Enfield
| |
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Brandon Epp
As of 04/04... 3 kids now and done. Still on West side. Missing South bay, but loving life! 2006-01-04 | |
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Alex Estacio
Well, it's been 10/11 years since I graduated. I own a Web Design Company in Brazil and work as a IT Manager for a Telecomunications Company in Sao Paulo - Brazil. Haven't done much, got married, have a 4y old daughter, and miss you all so much. Thanks for all the support while i was there. Love, Alex. | |
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Candice (Estiamba) Haskell
Hi everyone! Missed the 10 year reunion! I am married to a wonderful man, and a full time mommy of two children. A boy and a girl. My son Colt will be 4 yrs. in June, my daughter Coral will be 2 yrs. in June. After high school I got my A.A. degree in childhood education at El Camino. I decided that I didn't want to continue school for teaching because I don't agree with the pay. I then attended Santa Monica College of Massage and Healing Arts and received my certification and license in therapeutic sports massage. I am very much into the holistic field. Before getting married and settling down, I owned a massage therapy business and worked with a chiropractor in Hermosa Beach, and acupuncturist in the Riviera Village in Redondo Beach. I am currently on a maternal hiatus, but I still do massage therapy and ear coning every now and then when I visit up in the South Bay. My family and I live in San Diego County. I still keep in touch with a few good friends from high school. Shannon McKay(DeVore), Cece Pandolfo(Koltura), Janet Silva(Cortez). They are all married with children too(except for Shannon). Drop me an email some time at 2004-05-24 |  |
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Kelly Fritts
I felt a need to change that old message. Much to smarmy. Shame on me.
Otherwise, I wish the best for you. 2005-07-10 | |
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David Garrett
Have fun over the summer. See you at the
2003-07-02 | |
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Seamus Grossman
Update - Im no longer married since 3/2010 Its been
rough going. I've since then moved to laconia, nh i
like it here alot. My new girlfriend moves back to
nh from new orleans in oct 2010 i cant wait. Miss
my SHS friends take care - Email me... 2010-08-09 |  |
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Julia (Hammond) Neprud
2007-10-18 | |
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Nicole (Haywood) De Mello
Wow...Everyone sounds so happy!
I have been married for 16 years to my husband, Scott, and we have 3 beautiful childen (Lilly 5yrs. & Emmalie & Tyler 3 yrs.)
We live in San Luis Obispo, CA and love living on the Central Coast.
I have worked @ Edward Jones (investment firm) for 10+ years and love the roller coaster ride.
There is so much I wish I could say to so many of you. When I look back , I have some amazing memeories , but I am also ashamed( even after 20 years) for the way I treated some people & I am truly sorry for my behavior and for any pain I my have caused.
I wish you and the ones you love all the happiness you deserve!
2009-06-18 | |
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John Hsieh
2009-09-08 | |
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Danny Jenkins
Figured I would update this a little. Still in Chattanooga, TN and married to Heather. My little girl is now 6 as of the 5th of October. Been connecting with a ton of our classmates through Facebook. Been real cool to hear from everyone. Probably won't make it back that far for the reunion, but will be thinking of you. 2008-10-28 | |
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Moena Jones
Hello everyone :o) It's been a long time. Wow 20 years have gone by and I can feel it..LOL. After high school, I enlisted in the Army and served 2 years and 11 years Army National Guard. I've been with my current employer for 9 years. I have three wonderful children ages: 15, 13 and 7. They are a blessing and a joy to my life. I now reside in Moreno Valley. I do hope that everyone is blessed and doing well. 2008-12-28 | |
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Takashi Kanazawa
Hi everyone. Glad to see you all doing so well.
After graduating
from South, I went back to Japan and spent 6
years at Keio
University. As most of you remember me for being
a nerdy
metal-head, I went on to become a music
journalist and lyricist in
Japan. Wrote lyrics on LOUDNESS albums! Married
in 2005 and am
a father of two sons. Let me know if you're ever
in Tokyo. 2009-05-24 | |
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Adam Katz
Ended up at U.C. Berkeley. Graduated and started a Jewish-Rock band called the "Clean Cut Mohels." Travelled the country. Worked with some of the top dog trainers in the world. Came back to L.A. and started South Bay K-9 Academy, which I had for seven years. Loved the dogs. Hated working with the people. Sold the business. Published a couple of books on dog training. Did a series of videos, audio tape lectures and launched a mail order company. Moved to Austin, Texas. Bought a big Mercedes. Bought a house. Sold the Mercedes. Fell in love with the girl next door. (Actually, she's the daughter of the folks living next door. "Girl-Next-Door" just sounds better!) Started a software company: Got a blue belt in Jiu Jitsu from Royce Gracie. Now I'm spending lots of time in pawn shops and music stores, looking for a good Martin guitar. Really miss the hot wings at Redondo Beach Brew Pub. -- Although I shouldn't eat them anymore, now that I'm old. Return to visit the folks once or twice a year. They're in PV now. Feel free to drop me an e-mail at: ">Make_Email_Link( '', 'adam' ) | |
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Rena (Kono) Fairchild
Hi all! Only a few more years till our 20th! Scary thought! I'm now married and living down in south Orange County while commuting to San Pedro where I'm an Assistant Principal. Drop me a line! 2006-10-09 | |
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Keri Lew
It's hard to believe that we're getting ready for our 20th reunion! If you haven't done so already, please sign up for Facebook and then check out the group: South High School Class of 89 (Reunion?).
We're in the planning stages of a "formal" reunion set for either July 18, 2009 or August 1, 2009 and then a family picnic the day after at SHS.
Feel free to email me at if you have any thoughts on the reunion. 2008-10-10 | |
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Tara Lewandowski
Hey there. Thanks to Cece Pandolfo(Koltura) who sent this website to me and got me locked in. I enjoyed reading about my old classmates and what's been going on. 15 years?...Oh my gosh, we are getting OLD! I live in Huntington Beach and have been working at Nissan North America for the past 7 years. I am not married but have been with my boyfriend for the past 3 years...NO kids either. I would absolutely love hearing from all or any of you who remember me. I will post a picture as soon as I can. Email me:
2004-11-08 | |
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David Lindenbaum
March 6, 2007.
Hello Class of 1989! A few bullets from my past
-Graduated UC Davis in 1993.
Went to New York City for 6 years.
Met my wife Jill, and convinced her to move to San Francisco. Been in the bay area ever since.
We have a boy named Noah who is 2.5 years old and a girl on the way (6/5/07).
Live in Berkeley and work at Charles Schwab.
As your class president, I am still bitter we lost the class competition. Lets challenge the class of 1990 to a rematch. All in favor? 2007-03-06 | |
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Mary (Llewellyn) Phillips
Hi! Wow, I just thought I would check out when our 20th reunion was and I saw everyone on here. I really cannot believe that it has been 20 years since we all graduated. That is too scary!! Things are great with me, I've been married almost 10 years. We bought a house in OC and have been here for 6 years and love it! We run our own business, Liberty Plumbing and Trenchless, and I work at the City of Anaheim in Human Resources. We've traveled a bunch, Tahiti, Hawaii, is good!! We enjoy spending time with family and friends and hanging out with our dogs. I am still best friends with Sue Rutkoskie (Smith) so that is just great too. Miss all of you and hope to see you soon! 2009-02-22 | |
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Lili (Malkin) Rossi
I've explored Chicago and New York before coming home to LA. But I couldn't be happier. Even though I'm all the way up in Burbank, I'm still amazed I never run into any of you.... 2007-11-26 | |
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Jason Manibog
Hi all! After 6+ years in Reno and working independently, I'm now a training manager in Boise, ID and my beautiful wife Joan (15 great years this June) and I love it up here. So do the cats! Still playing poker though not as much as I'd like. Still golfing and bowling when I get the chance. That's all for now! 2010-02-12 | |
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Albert Manuel
I came across this page last night and realized I hadn't updated it in some time. I'm teaching for LA Unified at a school in Lomita. I also bought a place there right as the bubble burst so I'm stuck for the next few years. But that's cool as I'm enjoying life, having been married for the last three years. No kids yet, but soon. 2007-01-21 | |
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Chris McCann
Yeah, um, uh, like, still recovering from the UC Santa Barbara Experience. Yet, I don't think you really ever do. But I graduated in '95 (don't laugh - I took one last class in 95 so my concert business could take advantage of UC student rental rates on campus facilities, namely, the football stadium) with a B.A. in Environmental Studies, Humanities, and predictably went into...the world of mental calisthenics and reality-bending intrigue!
Started working with folks of all kinds of age ranges and physical/mental disabilities at a residential living facility right next to Isla Vista, and holed up there for a few years before continuing the inevitable northern migration to the Bay Area, ending up in Los Gatos, and then here in San Jose. Been working for the same company (Community Options) since '97, assisting adults with severe disabilities develop vocational and social skills on their way to greater success in integrating with the general community. Good stuff, and it ain't easy, and never made anybody rich. But F that - some things are worth the effort, and rich people generally suck anyway. So I'll otherwise tend to my garden, play the guitar/banjo, and see you at a show somewhere out there. {That was my skull} 2004-05-11 | |
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Shannon (McKay) DeVore
Hi to everyone. Life sure flies doesn't it?! No picture for you but I was the short little blond girl and still am. I never made it past 4 foot 11. After grad I went to college, HATED it, went to Broadcasting School, hated it and ended up in the mortgage, commercial lending business now for the past 13 years.
I'm married to a wonderful man, met him while he was in the Navy, he's from Indiana but a true Californian now. We've been together for 12 years, married for 6. We have 2 adorable Rottweilers and 1 Shep/chow mix, they are our kids as we've never wanted kids. We spend our summers in Lake Havasu with our toys and girls and friends and family.
In January 2004, I had a pancreas and kidney transplant so I am no longer a diabetic. I'm still recovering after many complications and hospital stays but hoping to get better soon. My new organs are doing great. Now if I can get my whole body to do great I'll be good. Being out of work is driving me crazy but I'm in no condition to return yet. I'm going to sell real estate once I've recovered.
We bought our second home in June of last year and are currently living in beautiful, HOT Corona, California in the home of our dreams. I love the heat out here. I'm glad to be out of the south bay.
I did go to the reunion but didn't talk to a lot of you that I wanted to. We were all in our little clicks and I felt like I couldn't interrupt. I'm definately looking forward to the next reunion.
Loved reading the few entries, hope more will join in. Take care everyone.
2004-05-24 | |
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Jennifer Moore
I have a wonderful son Rickey who will be 16yr old in July 2009. I am currently going back to school to follow a long time love of baking and a current interest in cooking. I look foward to seeing all of you in 2009 for our 20yr Reunion. If anyone know who is in charge of planning this or has any details, please e-mail me. 2008-06-03 | |
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Johnnie Morton
2009-02-04 | |
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Christine (Mortvedt) Anderson
How do I get this stinkin' picture to go away??
Some memories will just haunt me forever I guess!
Anyway, 20 year reunion is around the corner. Any volunteers to
head it up??
Lindenbaum??? Hmm...let's see if I get any responses to this. 2008-03-27 | |
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Bonnie Murray
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James Myers
18 years of military service and still going...
4 Beautiful children.
God Bless 2008-02-22 |  |
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Michele (Nichols) Donnels
Hope the last almost 20 years has been what you've wished for. I am living in No. California, married and have a 3 year old. I am an office manager for medical practice. Love what I do. But love being a more even more! 2007-02-06 | |
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Cindy (Orfila) White
So I got an e-mail from Steven Anderson tonight. It was one of those bulk mail messages that my yahoo seems to think is Spam, but luckily I spotted it in time to save it from disappearing into the ether. Once I had processed the information contained within, I started looking at the list of addresses and okay, I'll admit I got a little nostalgic. So out of sheer curiosity I googled South High School and somehow found my way to this site. Interesting. Right. Get on with it. I guess this is the part where I say what I've been doing the past however-many years. Without going into all the boring details, after a series of jobs in the entertainment industry, I've become a freelance writer. I write movie reviews, interviews, features and stuff (that's a technical term, "stuff") for various magazines and web sites. I'm married (to another South High graduate) with two cats and no kids. We live in Torrance. Hard to believe that all this time can be summed up in one paragraph, but there you have it. | |
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Steve Ozelton
Howdy folks, yep its me, the guy who crashed his car into the South High sign, class of '89. Ya know, the tall dorky blond guy with zits and a bad hair cut. Well I think I may have grown out of my dorkiness and zits, and I married a beautiful hairdresser, so I would like to think my hair looks better these days. I have a 22 year old stepson in Kansas, 2 grand kids and a wonderful 11 year old daughter. Bud Maley help direct my path in life. I am a custom woodworker, you can see my work in half a dozen major casino's in Las Vegas, a Casino in Bern Switzerland, and I did the reallity T.V. thing with Monster House on Discovery channel. I now live in Santa Fe NM and I am in the process of building WOODS of OZ Furniture and Art Gallery. I intend on opening in May, if there are any S.H. artist's out there who wish to show in a Gallery in one of the major art markets in the world, contact me. I am looking for Quality art in most any medium. Including woodworking. If any of you guys visits Santa Fe look me up. You will find the Gallery about 15 min. north of the plaza on the 84/285 freeway and across the freeway from the new Hilton Buffalo Thunder Resort/Casino. You can also contact me through my web site 2008-01-16 | |
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Cecelia (Pandolfo) Koltura
Hello all! I did go to the 10 year reunion. I had alot of fun...looking forward to the next one. I am doing great. I live in Yorba Linda, Ca with my husband John and our daughter Claire she is 18 months old. We have been together for 12 years and married for 7. I will be at my current job 10 years on the 14th of November. I supervise the customer service department. Besides working I really enjoy spending time with my famlily and seems like we never get a chance to sit dow. 2004-11-08 | |
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Valerie Pepe
Hey all, Been in Phoenix since graduation. Just recently left my job as an officer at the county jail. Hope to get hired by a police department soon. 2009-03-04 | |
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Austin Perry
WOW! I can’t believe it, were does the time go? I was just looking over the messages and BAM!!! It hit me 13 years have gone by. I’ll tell you it was a cool ride. I miss walking the halls and hearing Vic ask, “Hay were you going? Do you have a pass?” and listening to those encouraging words from coach Austin as he pushed you ever so lightly, “If your last, You will be doing it again!” There is one enigma that still to this day kills me and makes me feel cheated! Why did we never get our varsity locker room? Oh well what’s done is done. Please drop me a line sometime I would love to hear from you all. | |
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Todd Phillips
Hey all! I am married (6.5 years now) with 2 small chillens, and living in Redondo. You can visit my website here: | |
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Keith Prendergast
Well after a few years off I went back to school and eventually graduated from UCLA. Taught special ed. for six years including four years at TUSD with severly handicapped kids which I loved. But then sold out and now work in the mortgage business. Happily married for 7 years and have two beautiful crazy daughters. 2007-12-24 | |
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Ali Razavi
Since leaving South High, it's been a wonderful journey! I got married last year to a beautiful lady from Zurich Switzerland; we are expecting our Son in July. I spend my time living between here and L.A. After school I started working at Lehman Brothers, Merrill lynch, and Sutro&Co. I didn’t enjoy working for big firms so I started my own money management firm in 1997 with help of my business partner; thank God it’s been great. Missed the 10 year reunion because of work, but looking forward to seeing you all in 2009.
Best regards
Ali 2006-05-11 |  |
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George Reade
I can not believe our 20 year reunion is in 1 year. I don't feel like I'm pushing 40.
Still the Communications Supervisor for the Paramedic Service in (Washoe County)Reno, NV (REMSA). I've been here for 6 years. I will be married for 5 years in October. We've been traveling a lot, so kids have been put on hold for a while.
2008-07-09 | |
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Alex Saez
I live in a little town called Quincy in N CAL.Got a wife and two kids livin the good life up in the mountans. About 79 miles from Reno.I just started getting into FACEBOOK.COM and found all kinds of old freinds. 2008-09-17 | |
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Randie (Salter) Myles
2003-04-21 | |
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Will Silverman
Another year, another address. Relocated from Connecticut to Miami FL in Jan 07 and managed to make it through a season without a hurricane. I'm always either busy at my lab bench at UMiami or enjoying a beach with warm water. Feel free to find me on Facebook to say hello. 2008-03-28 | |
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John Sweet
15 years and I can't leave South! Hello all, I am still with Wendy Darrow (Sweet) and have two girls. We live in Redondo Beach and I am back at South teaching a zero period class, as well as my normal gig, teaching history at Hull middle school. It was fun reading about all you. Take care and drop me a note. 2004-09-27 | |
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Sherri (Swensson) Campbell
2005-12-05 | |
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Wiravat Thongthavorn
Wow, it has been 20 years already? I feel really
old. Many things
happened to my life in the past 20 years and if I
start writing, it
will fill up this whole page. I am currently in
Las Vegas selling
and buying real estates-- residential and
commercial. visit me
at: 2010-06-09 |  |
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Lara (Ulrich) Mays
Here's the latest thoughts on the reunion. Your feedback on dates and locations would be great.
In considering the dates we took in to account that some people have kids in school so in order to not conflict with that we are looking at having the reunion during the summer. Please take a look at the folllowing two dates and send a vote on your preference.
July 18, 2009 or August 1, 2009
Currently we are also waiting for pricing on locations but we are looking at either the Hyatt in Long Beach or the Marriott in Manhatten Beach.
Also, plans are in the works for a casual picnic for the Sunday following the main event. This picnic will be kid friendly. Location on that is still being worked out. Possibly at SHS in the quad. But other locations are stil be considered as well.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Lara and Keri
P.S. if you haven't already joined facebook it is recommended that you do as we are having discussions there on the reunion.
2008-10-08 | |
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Kristi (Ummel) Banks
Still living in the South Bay. I have four beautiful children. My oldest daughter will graduate from Torrance High this year. (Scary, huh?) My second daughter is a sophomore at Torrance High. The boys are 5 and 2 years old. I work for a mechanical contractor company in Torrance. Life is busy, but wouldn't have it any other way. Can't wait to see everyone at the reunion in August. Wow! 20 years? Time flies when you are having a good time. 2009-04-02 | |
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Tamara Van Berckelaer
As so many others, I came across this website by chance. I read though all the other entries, and decided there weren't enough, so I am adding my latest exploits to the list.
After South, I went the El Camino route, graduated, and caught the travel bug. I went to work for United Airlines, where I spent all my spare time traveling. From there, I went on to work for Crystal Cruises, squeezed in two trips to Alaska, two to the Mediterranean, and one though the Panama Canal. I moved to New York City on September 1, 2001. The past two years have had there share of ups and downs, but I'm still here! Currently you'll find me at the Ritz Carlton Central Park where I am working in Food and Beverage. Single, no babies, and having the time of my life. If anyone wants to come visit, drop me a line, New York is an amazing city. I make it back to LA to visit every few months, mostly to see my family, friends, and catch some sunshine.
To anyone reading this who has not posted a profile, what are you waiting for? It's only High School. 2003-11-03 | |
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Kim (Weiner) Adams
Wanted to update my profile since I added the paragraph a few years ago. Still loving life and traveling when possible. Just returned from a two week trip to Israel and settling into another semester back at school. Switching gears from webmaster to getting another degree and hope to become a diabetes educator over the next few years. Applying in December, so by the time the reunion comes around I'll know where I stand. I'm on Facebook now, so if you see me online feel free to post to my wall. 2008-09-08 | |
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Charlotte (Yost) Allred
Heya! Married 10 years, 4 daughters (Mackenzie, Prairie, Abbey & Daisy) aged 9 to 2. Living in Taber, Alberta (Canada, eh!) Have my own salon and skin care business, while Gary(hubby) restores motorcycles. Old farmhouse, a cat, a dog, blah, blah, blah. We love it! 2003-02-10 | |
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