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Class of 1991
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Deirdre (Baker) Orlando
Just wanted to see if I would get any emails from anyone I haven't kept in touch with.
I'm living in Rancho Santa Margarita with my husband and 3 kids, Ryan (6), Gabriella (5) and Alyssa (8 months). Feel free to send me a note. 2006-05-06 | |
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Nycholle Barry
2005-10-07 | |
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Achim Bergmann
Update: After putting up with me for 6 years (and braving our 10 year reunion with me), Emily and I are getting married in P.V. in May 2007! We moved back to DC where I'm continuing my work as a political consultant...trying to put the country back on the right track. Hope everyone is doing better than Yiakas. 2006-09-17 | |
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Brenda Bermudez
2008-08-03 | |
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Amy Brice
Live in Twin Falls, Idaho. Happily divorced, I
ride a Harley,
love kayaking every chance I get. Leaving for
deployment here soon. My youngest daughter and
son are
living with my dad in Torrance while I'm away.
Just enjoying
what I can as it should be for everyone. 2010-08-12 | |
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Man Charurat
Let's see. I can't believe it's 10 years. I am currently in Baltimore finishing off my MD. Glad to hear that everybody (well, almost everybody) is doing so well. [Ando, how's it goin? when are you heading back from Japan?] | |
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Raymond Cho
2010-03-24 | |
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Susan Cole
Hi South Alumni, its great to see so many familiar names. I would love to see everyone I lost touch with at the reunion but it doesn't look like I'll be making it down anytime soon. Still living in Alaska (8 years)with my wonderful husband and three kids (14 year old daughter, 7 year old son, and 8 month old daughter). Working as a full time mother and just settling into our new house! Hard to believe ten years has already passed! | |
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Carina Coleman
Hi everyone! After graduating from South I went to UCLA, where I double majored in Economics and German Studies. I spent a year in Bonn, Germany, working in the Parliament as an intern after college. Then I moved to the Netherlands, where I worked for Shell Pension Fund. Currently, I am working as a Research Associate for an asset management company in downtown LA. I'm married to a Dutch computer engineer, Mark van der Zalm. His name was too complex for me to take on. We bought a house in Torrance this year. No kids life is busy enough! Glad to hear from old friends! 2004-07-08 | |
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Nelma (Concepcion) Maddox
Living in Orange County and married just over a year to LARRY Maddox, not Chris. Looking forward to the reunion and to seeing you all there. Try to keep in touch! | |
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Henry De Los Santos
After South I went to Marymount in PV and later graduated from UCSD. Since then I've been in the publishing business and currently the Tech Editor of a national automotive title. 'Bout it.
Anyone know how to get in touch with Ian???
2004-11-19 |  |
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Monica (Devesa) Rose
A friend of my husband's turned me on to I am now addicted and having fun getting in touch with long lost Spartan's. Love to hear from you. 2008-12-02 |  |
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John Donovan
Ok hello hello hello... I've been in the US Air Force for almost 12 yrs now, including the last 10 overseas... Between fun stuff and work I've been to 15 or so different countries, including a couples years or so each in Panama, Italy, Korea, and Greece... AF has been great to me for the most part, I got to see a bunch of Olympic events while stationed in Athens. As of now I'm working at Malpensa Int'l Airport in Milan, and I should be here until about April 2008, by that time I'll probably be heading back to the states, but who knows... Okinawa and England also sound kinda tempting! Some of what I've seen and where I've been: 2005-10-03 | |
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Jeanna (Faricelli) Moawad
2008-03-26 | |
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Carol (Flynn) Donohue
Wow- this is weird. I saw so many of you on 01"- let's see, I
went to UCSB, after SB, ended up in San Francisco for 5 years,
where I met my husband. He's in the music business and is
usually gone for long stretching of time, touring the world
without me. We've oben married less than 2 yrs. but together
for 8. I am a kindergarten teacher by trade, but took the year
off after moving to Portland Oregon a yr. ago. Own an amazing
95 yr. old farmhouse and love Oregon's green trees, snowy
mt.s and rocky coastline. No children- but working on it and
the happiest I have ever been. It would be nice to get back in
touch with some if you- drop a line if you are so inclined. 2006-05-06 | |
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Kendra Gage
Since high school graduation I got a BS in Computer Information Systems and have worked in software develoment for a couple of companies. I've moved around a bit between Southern and Northern California. I currently live in the Los Angeles area. 2007-02-19 | |
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Jason Galla
I saw that my sister (Danielle) found this website, so here I am. I've been married since 02' and our daughter, Gabriana, is turning 3 in Oct., this year. I'm going on 15 years now with Trader Joe's, and I'm currently at the Long Beach store (PCH/2nd St.). We've lived in Tustin since 02'. 2005-11-28 | |
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Brad Gorby
Hey Spartans, hope everyone in the class of 1991 is doing well. | |
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Jeff Grange
Hey fellow Spartans! Since graduating from UCSB, I've been living and working in Santa Barbara. Married for 7 years, no kids, two dogs, and on the water whenever possible. I did the professional sailing/coaching thing for many years after college, but took a 'real job' 6 years ago and now I'm a Financial Advisor with Smith Barney. Looking forward to catching up at the next reunion... Cheers! 2010-06-22 | |
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Canuto Gutierrez
2004-04-26 | |
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Tomokazu Hagino
2003-12-05 | |
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Rachelle Hansen
Hello to all! It's very interesting how life goes on but we always remember where we came from! I hope all is well for you!
2009-08-03 | |
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Jennifer (Harris) Galasso
Hey all would love to hear from you. 2008-01-16 | |
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Alya (Hassanally) Lucas
2004-12-07 | |
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Amy Heilman
So...I flaked out on the reunion cuz at the time I just returned to the South Bay from living in Minnesota...right next to the town Fargo...yes like the movie...and was unemployed. However, I have gotten settled back in and looking to hear from some of you guys that I missed at the reunion. Email me. 2005-01-24 | |
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Robert Hodges
Hey everybody. Figured I should update this, as it's very out of date. As I mentioned previously, and as most of you know, I left CA at the end of 1992, moving to NJ. I lived there until 1996, when I moved to Louisiana, but then moved back to NJ in 1998, where I lived until....In August of 2006 I moved to Bangor, ME, and am currently attending the University of Maine and working towards my PhD in American History. Back in 1991, who would have figured I'd end up here? If all goes according to plan, I'll be taking my comps in the fall of 2007 and getting my doctorate sometime between the spring of 2009 and the spring of 2010. Wish me luck. And if you're ever in Maine, be sure to stop in and sample some of the fine cuisine available at Chez Robert. 2006-11-10 | |
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Daisuke Honda
Hi everyone. A quick update. Still living in
Japan. Married for almost 10 years now with 2
great sons (4 & 1). We bought our first house a
2 years ago. Hope I can make our 20 year reunion
in 2011. 2009-03-30 | |
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Jennifer (Hyatt) Galbasin
Well I actually wasnt part of the graduating class, but I know some of you all too well. I am living in Bakersfield, and working at the Dept. Of Human Services.I have recently got back in touch with Rachelle after many years, Millie if your out there let me know how I can reach you. Also does anyone know how to get a hold of Dean Y. I also have two beautiful daughters. 2006-09-27 | |
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Jennifer "Jenna" (Jones) Phillips
Hello Everyone,
I went to good old El Camino college for two
years, then transferred up to SJSU in the San
Jose Bay area. I live in a small rural community
near SJ, with my husband and two children. I
taught elementary school for 10 years, and now am
pursuing my degree in nursing. I can't believe
it's been almost 20 years!! Boy, time sure
flies... I would love to hear from fellow
Spartans! I was a Spartan in college too!! Take
Jennifer (Jones) Phillips 2010-10-18 | |
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Jason Kemp
I guess this is where we write about what we've been doing for the last ten years. I've been working on movies as a production assistant climbing my way to become an assistant director.I put in alot of hours but I enjoy it. My current job is working on X-Files running actors around. I live with my girlfriend of 6 years not talking about marriage yet, not ready.Hope to see some of you at the reunion | |
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Ruth Koh
Bizarre to see but interested enough to write. Dunno, how often people check these but hope to catch up with you guys. To be succinct...graduated USC, married, living in Northern California, working in Regulatory Affairs at Gilead Sciences, Woo, hoo. Hope all is well with everyone. 2004-10-21 | |
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Lisa (Kumagai) Sung
Hey everyone! Sorry I missed our 10 year reunion - had just gotten married and was on honeymoon in Maui. I'm currently living in Torrance (still!) with my husband and just had a baby boy in January. Hope to reconnect/hear from some of you soon! 2004-05-10 |  |
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Eric Lee
Working for the man in New York (formerly New Amsterdam). Still hate West High. 2009-01-09 | |
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Brenda Marcynzsyn
| |
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Tricia (Mariano) Smith
I see an update is needed...
Still in Nottinghamshire, England.. though now a Single Mum with a BRIGHT future ahead. Also known as Giselle Aminta Covel (my birth name). This is my first year started out standing on my own, on the right foot and on a firm foundation. Love, Service and Unlimited Potential are my drive breaking habits One Step at a Time. Finally! I uncovered my Courage to Sing in public, yay! And my dream is to get Everybody up on the Dancefloor doing their "thing".
Happy 2010.. Things can only get better! X 2010-01-02 | |
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Michael McGowan
Wow, just stumbled onto this page, pretty cool!
After South, I went to SDSU for a year and a half
and then dropped out when I started skipping
class to work shifts at ARBY’S. I was always
more in to working than studying.
I moved in with my dad who lived in Miami and
started working as a film loader in the motion
picture industry (under my dad who was a camera
man). I worked my way through the ranks and I
now work as a Director of Photography and
specialty camera operator. I’ve been lucky
enough to travel the world and work with a bunch
of pretty interesting people and see some pretty
cool stuff.
I met my kick ass wife, Dr. Jill, in 2004 and we
have been married for almost 3 years. In May of
2009, we had our first baby (Michael Patrick
McGowan III) and have been having the time of our
lives with him. Life is good.
I’m looking forward to our (can you frickin
believe it) 20 YEAR REUNION coming up soon! Hope
to see you all there.
2010-01-01 |  |
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Dawn (Neal) Morrison
I have been married 6 years and have two amazing kids. My son is 3 and my daughter is 1. I am still working in the South Bay area, I have been an a Emergency Dispatcher for the past 9 years & I really enjoy my job. My husband & I purchased our first house a couple of years ago and are busy making it a home for our two little ones. We love to travel and spend time with our friends. I hope everything is great with you. 2005-10-29 | |
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Mike Nichols
After graduation, I enjoyed the summer and then became one of (U)ncle(S)ams(M)isguided(C)hildren. Serve four years as a Military Police Officer, got married and then re-entered civilian life in Northern California. I continued to serve the public as a Law Enforcement hypocrite for another five years and then realized I needed a new career. I have been doing Insurance Fraud since 2000 and currently I am a SUI Manager here in the Sacramento area. I have two sons (12 & 9) and a beautiful woman at my side. NorCal is alright (slow and laid back), but damn do I miss the year round beauty of the South Bay!! To Rich, Dave, Mike M., Mike B and Dustin; one of these days we will hook up again and hope your all doing well…for our departed John Urman; when our time is up, we'll build us another GT and drag race the heavens. 2008-09-25 | |
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Heesun ("Sunny") (Noh) Kim
Hello everyone! I'm currently working as a corporate transactional attorney in downtown-Los Angeles. I've been married for almost 3 years (but no kids yet)and my husband and I just bought our first house in South Pasadena. I look forward to reconnecting with old friends in the upcoming years. 2004-01-07 |  |
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Carol (North) Crandall
I'm living in Divide, Colorado (west of Colorado Springs) with my husband of 7 years and 2 boys, ages 4 and 2. I received my BA in Communications from UCSB in 1995 and MBA in Operations from Regis University in 1999. I moved to Colorado in 1996 and miss the beach, but love the mountains and trees. I'm currently working as a business/marketing consultant. E-mail me if you want to catch-up. 2006-08-25 | |
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Allan Olaer
Its been 16 years? Amazing ha? It seems like it was only yesterday. Well, as far as what I have been doing...I worked for Albertsons for couple of years, joined the Air Force, went to school and this coming October, I will be graduating wit MA in Org. leadership. It took over 10 years...but free due to Air Force tuition assistance. Glad everyone is doing well. 2007-03-27 | |
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Tyrone Powell
I hope that everyone is doing well. As we approach our twenty year reunion I feel old! My wife Susan and I live in West LA and have a seven month old little guy, named James. 2008-08-01 | |
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Troy Reist
Hello to all my former classmates. I have been married for 10+ years to my beautiful wife Veronica who I met in college in San Diego. We are still living here with two children, Kendall (4) and Lauren (2). I work as a engineering geologist on large residential housing developments, where I enjoy the outdoors. Hope to see you all at the next reunion. 2009-02-16 | |
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Cindy (Renoult) Adden
I finally learned about this site. :-) I have been working as an executive assisant for a Factoring company (accounts receivable finance) for the past 13 years. I live in Redondo Beach with my husband Kyle and my dog Max. Kyle and I were married May 2007. We own a bulk mailing house that Kyle runs with his family in Gardena. Feel free to contact me if you want to say hi. Looking forward to our 20 year in 2011. Take care..... 2008-07-25 | |
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Chris Reynosa
I'm bored at work.That's the only reason I'm filling this out!I live in the Riviera "South bay" to the bone. I try not to get radiated at work. I do the same stuff with the same people.Wakeboarding, motocycles, mountainbikes, snowbaording,car's and trucks and ton's of traveling with the crew,J.Takamoto,K.Lew,K.Estrella,M.Devera. See you fool's around... Oh and remember, if you run out of Red_Cup's your screwed!! 2005-08-24 | |
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Michele (Ricketts) Barattini
Hey everyone...sorry I missed the reunion. At the time I was married, raising two boys, and running my own business. I've been living in Florida the past 10 years and just recently moved to Montana..crazy!!! Anyways..I've been looking for Henry Delossantos...know where he is or how to reach him? let me know!!! See all of you in 2011!!! 2003-01-21 | |
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Rich Rimmey
It's almost 2010 and I'm still here in Chicago
geekin' it up with the rest of the IT
professionals. Been spending time catching the
random bug to the face while riding my bad-
motorscooter and adding to my massive guitar
collection. Although my days as Playboy/Rockstar
are well behind me, I find myself still able to
break into song. Actually, I think I am getting
younger! One of these days I will update my .com
with some new music/photos/art. 2009-12-04 |  |
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Deva Robins
Gosh it's been a long time. After South, I went to SDSU and majored in journalism. Continued on to grad school and went to work for National Public Radio (NPR). I've been in radio now for about 10 years. I spent 6 years in Washington, DC covering Congress, 9/11 and the past 2 presidential elections. Now I'm back in LA at our bureau in Culver City. I cover national news, culture and entertainment. Who would have thought? I often see folks from South around town, but I'm really bad with names, so I never say "Hi." I'd love to hear what you've been up to since high school. 2006-04-20 | |
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John Sanders
Hello to those of you who remember my brief stint at South. After graduation, I relocated to Idaho and then Back to SLC, Utah where I obtained BAs in finance and economics. I've been fortunate to have undertaken a number of extended tours in various places abroad, many by bicycle. As a result my passions now a days include Telemark skiing, biking, travel, history, literature, and of course food and beverage. Currently, I manage an Italian restaurant at a local ski resort, where I also closely lacking of solitude. I hope to cross paths with some of you soon. 2005-03-09 | |
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Amanda (Shields) Schweizer
HOWDY from Boerne, Texas. Happily married since 1996 to my best friend, Paul, a native Texan. We own & operate an irrigation & landscape business. I work at a local elementary school & attend UTSA. Paul & I are both into plants, nature, animals & cooking. We will soon be building our dream... a log home! I would enjoy hearing from y'all. Take care!! 2007-03-20 |  |
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Amy (Soutar) Sterly
Amy passed away this morning in her sleep at the age of 35. She would have turned 36 September 3rd. She leaves behind 3 wonderful daughters and her husband, Joe, her father, Jock, and sister, Kirsten She was preceeded in death by her mother and friend, Phyllis, who passed on April 14, 2000 at the age of 51. 2009-08-29 | |
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Niki Thomas
2008-10-16 | |
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Nigel Villanueva
Glad to say not much has changed since 91. Still live in Torrance, most of my friends are from the class of 90-91, wife is a fellow Spartan, my brother is playing freshman football at South, and I still enjoy drinking beers on the weekend. After graduating law school, I formed the law firm of Eberhardt Villanueva, LLP in Redondo Beach. I practice in the area of criminal defense. So if any of you Spartans get arrested & have some money, send an email. Better yet, look for the drunk guy at the home football game, with his wife asking him to sit down, cheering for his younger brother. 2003-08-28 | |
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Erik Vranesh
After many, many, many years in higher education I received my doctorate in physical therapy from USC. I just moved to the east coast (NC) for a change of scenery. 2005-12-14 | |
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Kristina (Warrington) Carty
I am currently a bookkeeper/personal assistant for a realitor in El Segundo, CA. I recently started my own custom jewelry design company. You can visit my web site at: Check it out! I am now going on 9 years of marriage and I have an amazing 6 year old son named Jacob. I hope everyone is well. XXXOOO to everyone. 2004-09-24 |  |
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Razak Yekrang
After leaving South I spent a bunch of years in Boston and NY, now living and working at a law firm in SF. Sorry I missed the reunion, I was really looking forward to catching up with you guys. Anyway, drop me a line ( and if you need a refresher as to who I am | |
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Demosthenes Yiakas
I can't quite explain why my entries keep getting removed, but I'm beginning to think that the local Quakers have been hired to ensure this web page remains very G-rated. Congratulations, lameness has been achieved. So, with no fun allowed, I guess I'll say that I still live here, been married for 5 years, have a 2 year old son, a daughter on the way, and...oh screw it, let's all get together and have a class of '91 orgy!! 2008-12-31 | |
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Rhonda Yost
| |
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Kathleen (Yost) Larsen
2005-11-11 | |
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Shadi Youssefi-Nejad
2005-04-25 | |
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Tina (Zantke) Thompson
Ha ha! It's funny what you find while googling your sister. Anyway, I think I've officially lost touch with almost everyone from South. I live in Redondo Beach with my husband and work as an attorney at the Superior Court. Still love to travel. Playing soccer in a women's league in Torrance and trying to get back to beach volleyball. Would love to hear from anyone. 2005-11-01 | |
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