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Class of 1997
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Marie Acosta
Hey's been awhile. I hope all of you are doing good. I would love to hear from any of you, take care. Bye | |
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Wataru Asano
Glad to see you're all alive and well (don't ever take it for granted). No kids or marriages yet for me; just working my arse off in Tokyo and trying to make a decent living. I do go back to LA every 6 months or so - give me a shout if you want to play a round of golf at Los Verdes, etc. Hope to hear from you all again. 2007-02-13 | |
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Daria (Bohringer) Dreyer
Hello my fellow Spartans! I still can't believe that it has been 7 years already. I am currently living in Wisconsin, and recently celebrated my first year of marriage. I also have a 2 month old son, named Mason. I couldn't ask for anything more, I'm truly happy! See you all at the reunion! 2004-09-09 | |
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Melissa Bueno
my friend sandra gracia (97) and I were just talking about how we miss being in high school! good luck to you all... 2004-05-13 | |
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Michelle Buergo
It's nice to see so many old friends posted here and I am glad that many of you are doing well. I'm back in Torrance after moving to Washington state for 2-years. I didn't make it to the reunion but I would love to reconnect with my fellow purple pirates. Let's go out for a drink. It's legal now ;) 2009-06-14 | |
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Karen Burnham
Hey all. I got my degree in physics in Northern Arizona and now
I\'m back, working as a radar analyst in Huntington Beach. Married for 4
years, no kids.
2003-06-17 | |
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Kenneth Burns
Glad to read a few remarks... I wish everyone well... quick update on myself-- got married in Aug 03, no kids... graduated from BYU and now live and work in Torrance. I'd love to hear from any of you... I still keep in close contact with Josh Naggar, Dave Short, Beau Gebel--- 2006-09-14 | |
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Candace Catalina
Hello All Fellow Spatans!
Wow! So crazy that it has been over ten years since we left South..I am still living in the Southbay, and currently working in Commercial Real Estate. I still see some of you around, and thats cool! I guess I will see the rest of yall @ the 20th! yikes!!! Im sure it will creep up fast! 2009-05-06 | |
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Carol Chang
The things you find on the internet late at night when you're still at work...Didn't know this site even existed. Hi to all the peeps who helped build my hs memories. Just a quick update: I graduated UC Berkeley, then UVA, and am now living and working in SF/bay area. Nothing much else to report...just working, traveling in my spare time, and livin' it up. Take care! 2005-01-18 | |
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Jennifer Cheng
2009-12-30 | |
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Audrey Chon
I'm still living in the Los Angeles area...please feel free to email me! Hope you are all doing well and I look forward to seeing many of you at our Reunion. 2007-04-05 | |
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Jennifer Clark
Hey there peeps! Well, Still here in the good old South Bay, working as a Marketing Director for a major real estate firm and planning a wedding for October '06 to the most wonderful man in the world! I can't believe how time flies. hope to see you all at the reunion next year. 2005-10-14 | |
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Natalie Creek
I'm still around, working hard, and having fun. 2006-12-28 | |
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Sean Cryderman
Just letting you all know, I am doing okay. My son will be turning 3 on September 22, 2002. Who would have tohugh I would have had a kid? | |
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Jessica (Daddi) Quiroz
Wow...just found out about this site. After moving to florida, I moved to northern California where I met my husband. We just had our two year wedding anniversary. Things are great. Its good to see everyone is doing well! 2007-08-05 | |
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Adam Daley
Hello to all the people I haven't heard from, seen, or accidentally bumped into over the past 7 years. Married (yep to Sayward) and we have a 14 month old girl (Sierra). Both working and looking for a damn house around RB or Torrance. Drop a line if you wanna get a drink some time. 2004-06-02 | |
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Debralee Davila
What's up people? Well its been a long time since i've thought of South. I don't act, LOOK or even feel the same. write me | |
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Joe Eisel
This is a little odd. I was refered here from another alumni. I'm still in the South Bay area (Redondo Beach). I hope everyone is doing well. Personally, if you knew me, I've turned a complete 180. Things are different: eat, drink and be merry. Just have fun, whatever your path may be. I don't expect any replies, but if you knew me and feel compelled to write, feel free. Take care all. 2003-12-20 | |
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Isaac Fong
Hi. I'm in San Francisco, studying law, but Torrance will always be home. Thanks for a wealth of memories that only appreciates with age. Have a blessed day. 2004-05-15 | |
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Brenda (Greengard) Fusco
Hello all. Things are going great! I have been married to my wonderful husband, Dan, for almost five years now. We have a beautiful baby boy named Oliver! He is one and we have another baby due at the end of June. We have a house here in Murrieta, CA, and have 2 cats, Tabby and Sammy. I am a real estate appraiser and I can appraise any property in the state of California. Check out my website at for pictures and stuff. 2008-12-18 | |
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Ryan Habermeyer
2005-09-13 | |
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Lavender Hall
Hey South! Didnt get to finish my high school career with you all, but I am enjoying all the updates from those who are on this site. I just felt compelled to add myself! Hope everyone is well. | |
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Jamie Hardesty
Wow, high school. I feel like I've lived ten lives since then. Although, I really haven't done anything at all. I'm still in school, working on my business degree. I'm not married, have no children, nor do I wish that upon myself anytime in the near future. I really haven't kept in touch with the ones I should have. We all sort of lost touch. So, write me. See ya all in a couple years. 2005-04-23 | |
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Robert Hart
Hey all, WOW I don't know what to say. I am still living in southern california. I am a Traffic Motorcycle Officer working in the LA County I get to Ride the BMW poilce bike. Hope you all are well and doing good if any of you want to get in comtact with me feel free to hit me up via e-mail or aim @ moto250xing 2005-09-27 | |
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Leila Hassanally
Well here i am hanging out with my best firnd jane sweeney we were reminising about the good old days at south high. So I decided to add my name to this website so all of my old friends can get in touch with me.. I hope everyone is doing well I am just going to school and working to pay for my apt. and the expenses my mom always told me i wouldnt realize tell now how expensive it to live on my own. I guess im just living day by day in hands with God to hopefully in the end say i made the best of my life and help others in the meantime. * Leila * | |
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Rachel High
Been around the world and am finally back in the good old South Bay (moved to Redondo in February).
Any one still in the area?
As far as life goes: I teach high school English in South Central.
2008-05-07 |  |
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Jessica (Hoffman) Cox
I'm been happily married 4 years to a native Californian and we have a 3year old son. Can't wait for the reunion. 2006-02-20 | |
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Donya (Janfaza) Roschlau
Hey class of '97!
I can't believe it's been nearly 10 years since high school. I guess I'm becoming nostalgic now that our reunion is coming up. Like most of you who've posted, I basically moved, graduated from college, got married and am about to become a parent. I've been living in Anchorage, Alaska with my husband Ryan and I'm due with our first baby (a girl) in early October of 2006. We plan to move back down to Southern California next summer. Hope you're all doing well in your lives, can't wait to see what everyone looks like a decade older at the reunion! 2006-06-25 | |
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Brian Jensen
No kids, no wives, no divorces. BS in Computer Science/Psychology, work for a large aerospace/defense company. Still a local boy. 2005-12-15 | |
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Kasey (Kalima) Parsons
Hey Everyone! Glad to see that ya'll are doing well! As for me, I was married in December of 00 and we have 2 amazing daughters - Hannah (03) and Laynee (05). They are the light of our life! I was a stay at home mom for 4 years - but rejoined the workforce in 07. I currently work for a Public Adjusting Firm in Temecula, CA. I handle what is called Additional Living Expenses and Contents. Gotta love the insurance world!! We have relocated to the Inland Empire from the wonderful South Bay. I'm homesick - but life is good! Just living everyday to it's fullest! Keep in touch! 2008-05-23 | |
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Tiffany Khauo
Congrats to all my fellow spartan alumnis who are now proud parents! Wow! Has it been that long? Do you guys know that our very own Jannie Choi is now a teacher at South teaching English?
I am currently teaching fourth grade out to in LA. This will be my fourth year teaching. I am also working on my masters and administrative credential, so hopefully I will be a school principal soon. Keep in touch and be safe! :) 2004-07-05 | |
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Woojae Kim
Hey everyone! Glad to hear that everyone's alive and well. I'm trying to survive through med school right now - hopefully I'll be done by our 10th year reunion. 2005-02-21 | |
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Eddie Kim
Waddup Class of 97! What a trip to find this site very unexpectedly. I imagine that nobody here would remember me...most likely cause i was quite the shy nerd. I've since graduated from Berkeley. Worked on a number of political campaigns, U.S. Members of Congress, and also for Senator John Kerry during his run for the President in 04. Afterwards, I decided to go all the way in entertainment. I'm currently doing acting and producing. It has been quite a journey since HS. South all the way! 2007-03-21 | |
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Noel R Laeno
Wasssaap Spartans. Well, I still live in bad ass Torrance. I got a BS degree in Accounting from Cal State Long Beach. I recently passed the CPA exam and on my way to obtaining my CPA License. Soon, I will be a father, hopefully a boy. I miss high school so much, those were the funnest years. I wonder how Mrs. White (History Class) is doing. She was so fun to mess with. Damn, I miss high school. Life was so much easier back then. Anyways, drop an e-mail and keep in touch. I hope everyone is well and god bless. | |
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Christina (Leader) VerDoorn
Hey everyone. I thought I would up date this since it has been so long. Well I have 4 kids now. They are the best thing ever. Still in the I.E. but missing good old Torrance every once and a while. Still married, but raising my kids on my own. Hope everyone is well. Good luck Hope to hear from you soon. 2008-06-27 | |
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Ricky Leung
What's up all? I got married in Sept 2004, and am expecting my first son this June 2005. We're going to name him Nicholas Aaron Leung. Anyways I graduated from CSU Fullerton in 2002 with a BS in political science, but while in college started my own business as a certifed residential appraiser in the state of CA. I currently covered LA, Orange, and Riverside counties, and am approved with all major lenders, (ie Countrywide, Full Spectrum, WAMU, Well Fargo, Chase...) anyways, best of luck and see ya soon. 2005-05-25 | |
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Diana Lopez
Hi everyone. Hope all is well. As for me things are going great. I still live here in Torrance and I don't think I'll be leaving any time soon. I have a 5 year old son, Jhaz, who makes my life an adventure full of enjoyment. To think that I use to say back then that I didn't want kids.
Cal State Dominguez Hills is were I have been working for the past four years and it's the perfect job for me (No clocking in required). I was never able to make it on time to school so why put myself through the stress now. If anyone want to come visit I can be found in the Division of Teacher Education. Yes, I help teachers become teachers. Did you guys know that some of our teachers back then didn't have their Credentials......explains a lot doesn't it.
I have also been working on my own business for the past two, almost three, years. I have just gone Corporate! YES!!! Pretty soon you'll be seeing my line of clothing on all the ladies. I'll update when the line is good to go, so you can check it out. Wish me luck.
Shout out to my friend Andres, keep the pencil moving....and maybe the erasure too. :0) Smiles 2005-07-13 | |
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Jane Lory Sweeney
Hello People! How is life now after wonderful High School?!? Things and people seem to change, like many things in life. Still attending the University of El Camino College... going for a degree in sign language / interperting! Enjoying life as an adult. No kids (thank god!) Hello to all my old buddies, and those acquaintances I ran across throughout High School. R.I.P.- to those who did not make it this far, for what ever reason. Keep Smiling! "Peace is Possible" :) | |
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Danielle (Masler) Sapienza
hey it's Danielle again! A lot of you I have added on myspace & facebook already. But for those who aren't " COOL" enough to join the social conformity, ha ha, here's my update.
Married now 3 years. Have a 18 month old, and I just had twins Nov 6, 2008. A boy and a girl. Being a mom is a full time job. My hubby used to be a bartender at The Zebra Room in torrance. But now he's at Rays place in gardena. That's my life. Oh and I am still a social outcast thanks to all you cool kids who pretty much conditioned me to be that way! Adios! 2008-12-10 |  |
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Rianna Matthews
I've been working alot lately, going to school part time... living up north now but still come down south every once and a while to visit family. Life is good. 2007-04-11 | |
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Leianna Michalka
ten years has snuck upon us quickly! i'm living in long beach with tiffany (class of '95). graduated from cal poly pomona with a degree in geology, i always wanted to be a rock star! i'm currently as manager at rei, small co-op you may have heard of. no kids yet, but i've found the man i'm going to marry. drop me a line, we'll go for coffee!!!! 2007-01-02 | |
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Meghen Miles
Hey everyone! I'm still at USC - Just started my second official year
in the Neuroscience Graduate Program. I'm singing in the
Chamber Choir, and yes, I have finally left my marching band days
behind me. :) 2006-09-04 | |
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Shaba (Nejad) Roberts
Hey people! Wassap! Shabnam or whatever you knew me by. (Shaba) is still chillin'. I have a 6 year old son Shaheen, married for 8 years. Living out of State. For all those. . .bad asses. . . I'm still remembered, and always will be! Whassap all my south high people 2004-07-10 | |
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Matt O'Neill
Whatup everyone - Here's the latest...
I'm getting ready to go on tour with my band ( and playing a LOT of music. We built a recording studio in Ojai and have been getting some airplay up in Santa Barbara/Ventura. No kids for me at the moment and I dont plan on having any soon..too much rockin and rollin needs to be done. Here's to good times!
PS - Listen to 'The Black Crowes' - it's good for you.
2003-12-22 | |
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Fatanah Omid
Hi every one. I hope every one is doing well and time sure does go by really fast. I had some real good memories of south high. I moved up north (in the bay area). Well, take care every one. 2004-02-27 | |
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Natalie Ortiz
Hey every one although i didn't graduate with all of you still thought id say what's up. Many things have changed since i left south i live in las vegas now with my four boys. yup four boys who would have thought. drop me a line some time say what's up 2004-04-17 | |
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Donnie Owens
What's the deal Spartans? I'm o'kay, now. Things have been far from roses but I'm maintaining. I'll be going (back) to school in August at The University of North Carolina at Chatlotte. I think I still have a couple of brain cells that work and I hope they'll be put to good use. To all the good people that I've shared good times with, smile for me, best wishes, I luv ya. To all those that I acted like an asshole towards, kiss my stankin ass...j/k, I'm sorry. To any haters that never wanted or want to see me shine, go get some sunglasses, I got my mind right. Much love c/o '97, God bless, ONE! | |
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Ken Pearson
2005-10-22 | |
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John Pettyjohn
I miss you guys! 2010-07-27 | |
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Nora (Prieto) Gersch
Hi everyone! Well I see a lot has changed for many of us. I am now married, going on 2 years in August. Just have 1 child, Julia who is 4 1/2. (Wow I can't believe how fast the time goes) I now live in Pahrump, NV. It's nice to hear how all of you guys are doing. Hope to hear from some of you soon. Take care! 2005-05-19 | |
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Amber Rader
Wow! Kids, marriage..didn't we just graduate! Good to hear about each and everyone of you! I graduated from Chico State with my Recreation Administration degree, then moved to Seattle for a year, but I missed CA. I came back to Chico and love it here! My parents live here, along with my sister and her husband.
I still haven't found Mister Right, but he will come... :)My job is wonderful! I work for a landscaping company as the Executive Assistant(random), but I have been there for 2.5 years and feel blessed to have a great boss and work environment.
I guess I will see ya'll in couple years at our H.S. reunion. Feel free to email. Blessings! 2005-08-13 | |
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Beth Ranney
Wow, we are getting so old! I can't believe that we are all starting to talk about reunions! I hope that everyone is well it's great to hear that everyone is getting married and having kids. I would love to hear from you! 2005-08-04 | |
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John Schweisinger
What up Class of ’97!!!! I didn’t know we had a website with a message form. I just typed my name in a YAHOO search to see what would happen. I can’t believe it has been so long. I see a bunch of names I haven’t heard in years I have been living in Northern California working as a Marine Biologist and GIS/GPS technician. I hope the best for all of you. Good Luck. 2004-03-16 | |
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Alan Smith
Married, two beautiful daughters, working in Midtown Manhattan as a programmer for large global investment firm and traveling. That is the latest scoop. 2007-03-13 | |
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Katy (Therrio) Butler
I have been married for two years and me and my husband Matt are expecting our first baby in September 05 and are so excited. I teach math at West High but will not return to work when the baby comes. 2005-03-21 | |
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Brian A. Wagner
Whats up people!! Yes I am still alive! All I got to say is keep living and trying your best and you'll get though what ever you put your mind too! Always remember what life is all about. For me I've learned to just smile and have a good time! And looking forward to the next adventure that comes my way! P.S Wiggle just a little bit for eveyone that needs SMILE! | |
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Sarah Wald
Following the SHS years, I moved to Portland Oregon. While hugging trees and opposing global capitalism (remember the WTO?), I still managed to graduate from Reed in American Studies/English Lit. I'm currently volunteering with the Cascadia Forest Alliance (, and working to end commercial logging on our public lands with a non-profit group called Bark ( while I apply for grad school. Hellos from those I know are, of course, encouraged. | |
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Aislynn Wills
Lost everything to Hurricane Katrina, and dearly miss the city that once was New Orleans. Am now wandering around Canada, looking to settle in Toronto, but who knows...I've learned not to make any long term plans=) 2005-10-16 | |
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Jenny Yee
Hey everybody! Can't believe it has been 10 years since graduating from South. I hope all is well. After high school, I went to an art college in Pasadena and major in graphic design. Worked in fine art publishing for various museums in the United States. Currently, am working at an architectural firm in downtown Los Angeles. Feel free to drop a line :) 2007-05-27 | |
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