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Class of 1992
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Robert Bak
Anybody remember me? I'm the short korean guy that everybody
thought was weird. Anyways I'm still short and still weird but making
money doing it. I shifted my skills and parlayed it into a film career.
Not Hollywood though. Let's just say Sin City sees me 4 times a year!!I
reside in the city of San Pedro, I own a condo next to the ocean, and you
might be able to catch me fishing on the weekends. The people i'm most
interested in are: anyone from drill team, anyone from girl's volleyball
team, and the finest girl in 1992....whoever it was......
I hope everybody is doing well and if anybody needs a job (fluffers
needed) send me your profile to
2003-07-14 | |
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Alex Bartra
Hello everyone, high school was socially difficult for me but strangely enough I have such fond memories. I have 2 girls with my wonderful wife of 6 years, live in Torrance, run a local dealership, successfully invested in real estate from 2000 to 2006 and play bass in a new project with our fellow alumni Armand Arnazzi(professional flamenco guitarist). Let's hang out! 2007-11-18 |  |
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Brett Bousseau
Hi everybody ! You are all missed termendously ! I can't believe it's been fifteen years since we were all 17-18 years old. What happened ? I sure miss the carefree days we lived then. I am married w/ two kids..Tyler & Ramsey. I married a wonderful girl named Mia, and she runs a daycare from our house. I am an estimator for a building supplier in Michigan - 2hr.s from Chicago / 30min. from South Bend Ind. Who would have ever guessed I would do math for a living ? Please e-mail me ! 2008-03-29 | |
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Greg Bracy
After I left South, I joined the Marine Corps, got married, moved to Ventura County, had a child (Zachary) and left the Marine Corps (Reserve). I still live in Ventura County (Moorpark), work in Woodland Hills (as an Electrical Engineer) still married (August '03 will be 9 years) and my Son is 3 1/2 years old. To all at the reunion, it was good to see you. 2003-08-05 |  |
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Bobby Chieh
| |
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Mariel Devesa
Hi everyone. It's great to read the updates of what you've been doing. Thought I should write a few lines to catch up as well. Kept up with the windsurfing after South and had some good fortune with it. Then graduated from UCLA, went the big 5 route (D&T), and ended up working for one of my sponsors--Red Bull. A couple of years later, moved to Austria to work at the world wide headquarters for two much snow and rain...what can I say I missed the sun!!. So now I'm back in LA living on the westside. Would love to hear what you've been up to-- drop me line. 2006-05-17 | |
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Luis J. Dominguez
2008-12-15 | |
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Keith Donahey
All the best to all of you. I didn't graduate
with you'all but spent time with you during 89-
90. Maybe our paths will cross once again some
day? My MySpace page is 2009-02-14 |  |
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Mercedes Foster
I had a Torrancy dream last night and got to feeling a bit homesick, so I checked out this site to see what folks are up to. While I'm here, I figure I might as well update my message. I'm still in school, going for my M.A. in Education at UC Berkeley (Gaelen and I are at the same school again for the first time since South!), and I'm having a great time. I live in the S.F. Bay Area with my husband and our daughter, and don't plan on moving back down any time soon, despite my recent nostalgic dreams. Hope everyone is doing well! 2004-02-21 | |
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Tom French
I was trolling around the internet for old friends and stumbled here. Had fun at the reunion a few years ago. I'm married, I have one son and another on the way, live in Los Angles, I'm a lead designer at a game company called Pandemic Studios. Chris French works there with me on the same project I'm on. Uhhh, still see some of the old South peeps. Mainly Warren Paine and Chris Sims but others at times. 2006-05-27 | |
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Gaelen Gates
Hi Spartans, I can't believe it's been 15 years! I'm living in the San Francisco area (East Bay), working as a transactional lawyer (I put business deals together)... I'd love to hear from my former classmates: ggates-at-gmail-dot-you know the rest. 2007-12-08 | |
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Brian Hoisko
Hello All! Good to see everybody made it out of South High relatively safe and sound. I'm still living around the South High area and I work as a Product Specialist for a Video Game Company for the past 8 years now (as of 2003). You all take care!
2004-08-11 | |
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Suzie Hwang Pun
hi! I am back in the area, living in Pasadena. I went to grad school at Caltech and on one memorable day ran into another South High alum - Ben Lin, who is also there working toward his PhD. Currently, I am working at a start-up company in Pasadena, researching in drug delivery. (The medicinal kind.) I got married this past October to Winston Pun; hence, the name change. I have good memories of South High and hope to hear from you! |  |
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Kevin Johnson
hope everyone is doing well. living in raleigh nc now. i am in town about twice a year. things still look the same. 2006-05-15 | |
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Paul Jones
2003-08-05 | |
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Seth Katz
Hey Everyone- I'm back in the South Bay after
spending 12 years in AZ. Living in Manhattan Beach
with my beautiful new wife. I am currently a
producer at Extra the entertainment show. Hope
Facebook doesn't ruin the 20 yr reunion... I want
to catch up with everyone. 2009-07-14 | |
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Jeremy Krueger
2007-02-26 | |
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Garrett Manibog
It's interesting how in life's cycle things come and go. I've come to find however the memories of my time with all that I shared my teenage years with never fade away. I enjoy my life very much with my wife of five years and 3 children. I currently live in Sparks, NV as a devotee to the martial arts and stay at home dad. My wife and I currently work with a revolutionary company in the Health and Wellness industry and are always looking for those who want to better the lives of friends and family. I look forward to seeing you all very soon and hope to find everyone living the lives they set out to achive. Your Friends, Garrett (Lanae, Sean, Dayne, and Jaden) 2005-12-05 | |
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Yoshi Masuda
2003-05-18 | |
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Veronica (Mata) McDonough
2006-06-09 | |
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Howard Medina
Hi everyone. Back on deployment again. I had a little less than
two years at home. Since I last wrote, I stayed with the full-
time military job and did not go back to my civilian teaching
career. I do miss the coaching, but not much else. Two 14-
year old murderers in my class was the last straw for my wife
after other headaches while teaching at Saddleback High in
Santa Ana. If you get the chance, contribute as you can to the
memorial marquee for the school. I was at my army job when
we got the message that Marcus Ferrara's (class behind us--
1993, was on the soccer team with us) brother had been KIA in
Afghanistan. I got to see Marcus and the family in sad
circumstances on the flight line at our base in Los Alamitos
when his brother came home. (I saw them in happier
circumstances later in the year when one of my cadets got
commissioned from USC when another Ferrara brother also
graduated from the ROTC program.)
My unit got mobilized a few months ago and I am now at my
deployment location. I'm really looking forward to the
professional side of it--we have the chance to do some
really cool work. I have several good friends with me-all of us
Captains are pretty close in my unit and I have several
classmates from Officer Candidate School on the mission, too.
I'm not looking forward to being away from my wife and
wonderful little boy. Being away from them is very hard, but
video chat makes it a bit easier. Being a dad is amazing and
even better than being a husband. Hope you are all doing well. 2009-02-20 | |
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Diana (Murrin) Steltemeier
Hello Everyone,
I'm living in Las vegas currently with my 2 boys & my hubby. I work at albertsons. I was in management and stepped down a few years ago after my second son was born. I really miss high school and my younger years. I wish I could have allowed myself to enjoy more. 2008-03-31 | |
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AK (Navarro) King
UPDATE: Made it back to So. Cal in Oct.'05, now living in the Antelope Valley (just a nicer way of saying the 'high desert'). I graduated from vet tech school in Sept. '05 and just started my new job as an Animal Health Tech in LA/Westwood. After years of hits and misses (more misses), I can FINALLY say that I found a career path that really suits me. My commute is 80 miles each way....welcome back to California! I will be married for 8 years this Spring - he's the coolest fellow in the land! He-he! We have 5 cats and 2 dogs - no real kids to report as of yet...just too busy I guess (or I'm too selfish???) no, it's definitely that we're too busy....LOL! Anyway, totally loving being back on the west coast. I still kick around the South Bay (Redondo Bch) when visiting the fam - maybe see ya' around! Would love to reconnect with old friends - Hope all is well! 2006-01-21 |  |
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Rachel Ooms
UPDATE - Moved to Atlanta in 2005. Still working in advertising.Would love to catch up, so drop me an email. 2006-07-30 |  |
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George Petropulos
2005-11-03 |  |
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Jeff Seeley
Hello all. After graduation, I went into the Army. Six fun-filled years later, I decided to try being a civilian again. It suits me much better. I'm working on my seventh year of marriage, Raising my almost five year old daughter, living in Virginia - just a bit south of DC, and doing alright in the insurance industry. If any of you feel like catching up, drop me a line. Jeffsseel @ 2004-01-20 | |
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Christian Sims
Hi everyone, it's good to see so many people doing so well. I still
live in Torrance, the old part by Torrance High, with my girlfriend
and chugging away at work (I am a project manager for a A/V
integrator). I still am fortunate to see some other illumni fairly
frequently like Greg Eastham, Warren Paine, Tom French, Scott
Mercado, and Matt Gifford. Still playing music, not enough
Check out the myspace! 2007-08-17 | |
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James Songco
Hi class of 1992,
I was nobody then, I'm still nobody now. I am a freelance designer based here of course in south bay. Just wanted to say hello to everyone... 2007-07-08 | |
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Tim Spurlock
| |
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Mona Stedenfeldt Davidson
Because it is 10 years since I met my husband Norman or better known as Nick, I got to think about South High School. It was quite an experience to be an exchange student and it did me good in many ways. As indicated I married the love of my life - Nick! We have to children and are now living in Norway. I went to school in Englang for 3years studying physical therapy. I then moved to Colorado and took a masters in Health and Exercise science, where our son Nick also was born. I can't believe it has been 10 years! |  |
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Christian Stefferud
Hi Everyone. Time sure is flying by. See you at our 20 year reunion in three years...crazy. 2008-11-01 |  |
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Debra Swensson
Debra Swensson passed away in May of 1999. This email address is for her sister Sherri, just incase anyone wants information on Debra.
2007-03-29 | |
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Nikki Torrence
Hi everyone! It's been 10 years and plans for the reunion are already underway. If anyone is interested in helping out, please email me at or contact Angelique at | |
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Ashley Towry
*UPDATE* Well, what a day this has been (think Groundhogs Day with Bill Murray). I have been working on my Associates degree through the University of Phoenix. Just 4 more classes to go. (baby steps). My eldest child, Dustin, started 6th grade today! His friends have already deemed my house, the "hang out". He has a dart board, fusball table, the game know, spoiled. We are living in the wild Tundra that is St Paul, Minnesota. about climate and culture shock. Alas, rugby is no more....the knees are feeling the 20+ years of soccer and rugby. Corina will be 3 in November and is as sassy as ever! Can we say "princess"? It's great to keep in touch with the few of you that "know better". Hope you are all happy and prosperous!. 2006-09-05 |  |
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Chad Yerbury
2009-12-02 | |
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Soyoung (Yoon) Minei
Hi everyone. I can't believe it's been 10 years. Well.. I married David Minei (class of 92)last August and we live in Gardena. (no kids yet) We didn't move far from Torrance. We still look exactly the same except 10 lbs. heavier. Well.. Dave gained more than 10 lbs. I can't wait to see everyone at out 10 year reunion. See you soon. | |
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